Anyone have it. I would just like to know, how are you supposed to get it, and what are the requirements for it and such. Also, any cool stories you would like to share?
Are you talking about a modifying software? I believe such software is illegal and illegal discussion on this website is baaad. My cool story: I once went on a modded Halo 3 map. It sucked. I don't care for mods, except maybe a couple of gametype mods. Mods are for PC games.
He's talking about Garrys Mod which is a mod taken over by valve. If you want to know what it could be compared to, it's super-Forge. Also, the requirements should be on Steam...
well yo order it off steam and it runs on the steam engine so to play it you need a source game like counter-strike source (can be bought on steam toghether) havent gotten it yet but ive been meaning to its only 10 bucks but i really dont have any disposable income
yes DL steam, then buy GMOD10 and I recommend the Orange Box. I have it, its probably the best thing ever. My Steam Name: huntaro002
ive been wodering cause i heared like mixed reviews on it is it hard to mod with it? is it drop and place or does it envolve programing i can handle a little but im not tht good
I want it pretty bad, but unfortunately enough, i don't feel like buying it. I'm looking for an alternative at the moment.
eh i used to have it but steam screws up my computer so i had to get rid of it. sigh it was the best thing ever it was also like 10x better than forge because the things you could do was endless
used to play gmod all the time. Zombie Survial on it was super fun. Stopped playing because there nothing to really do on it anmore.