wow i almost got sandbox like about an hour ago. how you ask well i was at a shooting team practice and somebody brought their halo wars LCE and so i decided to take a look at what was so special about halo wars and when i opened the box i saw they still had an un opened code in there... unfortunatly my friend who owned it said he brought it for that exact reason to make people think he hasnt used the code yet. what a ****. live is working fine. i ust dont wanna waste 60 bucks on a game i wont play for some maps. and im in america, the lowest i can find is like 60 bucks....
Are we supposed to get something from that? Two grenades sitting on rather generic looking geometry with a kill ball on the other side of the main wall we see?
Thank you for thinking of us. It's nice you're thinking about us, rather heartwarming in the fact that we don't have the maps... oh well.
Nope. You're not supposed to get anything. It was the most interesting picture of my around 40ish pieces of geometry that showed a relatively "final" view of an area and didn't reveal any signature features of the map (save for the Kill Ball). Tame & Lame. Posted for the lulz.
You usually do better than that man. Usually it shows something interesting that builds hype for your map at least, that pic looks like it could be any one of the hundred or so crappy noob maps that have been posted in the last week. *Yawn*
I know... there's not enough of it done to have a meaningful and truly breathtaking pic yet though, and a bunch of people on Bnet were pressuring me to get a pic up. Well, there is one certain part so far that I think is quite innovative/aesthetically pleasing, but I'm not showing it for fear of imitation.
=) I might show a teaser of my new map too, but not yet... it's far too early. It's on Debo, it's on!
for some reason, setting the sides to attackers and defenders, with spawn areas as well, will not guarantee red team will have red base and blue team will have blue base. Its really irritating me.
1/5 needs moar interlocks. but makes up for it with teh secks. so its k. cant wait to test oh that the lights dont randomly shut off.. thats called draw distance, and it happens with every item in the halo world. cant see **** thats far away, move closer.. BAM look at that
What's with that? But it is fair to say that on a MM match on, say Standoff, if you try and all go into the red team's base at the same time and over-run them, the red team will start spawning in the blue base.
Now that is a teaser pic! And damn I wish my Xbox had not failed me. I want to has the playing of the excellent map too.
LMAO Nice Find Ivory. It actually does. The Sides look like the letter B. But i can't wait to see what the map looks like on the top : ]
You guys could see alot of different things in that i bet. lol Ill post more pictures when i know things are solid and test games are ran. Once testing is done, It'll be ready to post.