Runner Up By Nuvnuv123 *Made for BL00DF1R3's template week 6 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Big Team Slayer, CTF Players: 2-8 players *There are changes made to this map. 1, the back alleys have been now changed so that they are unbreakable, 2 no longer big team battle map. can be played with less than 10 people now recommended with 2-8 people. Download Link:Halo 3 File Details Story: In the year 2552, the citizens of Washington DC were under attack of the Covenant forces. They decided to go into hiding so the city became deserted. Now, in this part of the city, There are two buildings, seperated by a large central structure. When the citizens wanted to talk to each other, they would send a runner over to say the message, hence the name runner up. map: Basically, the map was made for bloodfire's template contest. The theme was big team symmetrical, so i got to work. The map has two buildings which house the warthogs. The center structure holds the splazer. There is also the "play area" where the battles happen. Also, the map was made with a goal in mind, to make a competitive map with not that much interlocking and geomerging, to bring back that old foundry feel. I also got alot of my inspiration from previous big team battle maps like side logest, and constricter. Nevertheless, it plays out really well and no weapon, or vehicle on the map is over used. Also, it is pretty beatuful, even if there is no interlocking. weapons list: 8 brs 2 needlers 2 plasma rifles 4 spikers 2 beam rifles 1 splazer 1 rocket 2 smgs 1 shotgun 1 os 2 warthogs 2 power drainers 1 bubble shield Now for some Pics:
i like the fusing good job man or chick. could you check out my map recoil tower. also how do you fuse with geo so well.
two things about your post: A) you should not advertise your maps in posts. Generally its a bad idea. B) [and this is related to OP's map] what geomerging? Now, for a big team battle, when I went into this map, this did not seem like it could be possible. Spawning didn't really work for me.. dont know. i think you should work on some stuff like weapon placement and redoing the spawning solutions. moving / adding spawning areas. especially since it was meant for big team.
You interlocked, but you didnt interlock where you should have. So Id focus on interlocking in a more general, instead of all one section interlocked. It looks like you got a lot of your inspiration from other maps, as I can name a few this looks like, but that might just be me.
Thanks for the feedback back aranore. I will be making a v2 of this map with lots more geomerging and interlocking. I know that it is lacking but when i played it, it seemed fine. Oh i don't know. But I do think that it is wierd that no one likes my maps. Never get any good feedback. RATS!!!!
the maps ok aand thats what i rated it. O and you may want to increase the size of the walls that block of the alleys. I escaped pretty easially whenlookin at the map myself.
It looks like it could have its own unique style of play. Ill give it a DL and tell you what I think later.