so, One of my all time favorite maps on halo 2, was beaver creek. And once sandbox came out, I was like.. Hey, the rocks and such in beaver creek look alot like the ones in sandbox. So, I am working on a remake on the middle part of sandbox. I have a small part of the layout done and would like to learn more about the ways of forging and such with someone who has had some successful maps in the past. I am fluent in interlocking and all of the ways of forge and such, I would just like this to be a collaboration effort. Here are the pics so far, I will explain about how I plan to use certain parts of the map after you see. This shows the main part of the center of the map. You can see the custom powerup there. I plan to use shield doors to imitate water and such. I have found that the half-double boxes are just the height of a person, so I plan to put the ramps that go underground at that height. At the ramp behind the needler spawns, I plan to put a ramp down so that resources aren't used up going around the bases and such. Any feedback on how I should work on the bases and details I should leave out are appreceated. Thank you (and I'm looking for a forger who can spend about an hour a day or more on this)
I thought about this, and I don't think it can be an accurate remake. The part that goes underneath the base would make it so too many resources would be needed to make the ground level. I would love to see it done, but I don't forsee it.
ThAt is why I will use the recources for only the needed parts to get underground. Not the parts that wrap around the bases.
I did away with the underground section. Here's a preview of my inspired Beaver Creek map: (no name yet)
teh underground made it fun, then you could sneak up on the other team, not just walk right through the front door! anyways, sorry, I can't help. I've promised my soul away too much lately and I'm scheduled full...
The underground partbis defanately what makes beaver creek the map it is. I have been expirimenting and I have found that a wall merged so when it is flush with the block huges or talls you can neatly fit a Spartan without crouching. I was using too much recources making the tunnel have 45 degree mini turns so I will alter the design a bit and have nintey degree turns. I found that ramp wides have a flush fit on the ground and only use up 2 minigraph squares so I'll use those for ramps. I need a second xbox.