Hey, If you want a sig like mine: Just post here. Tell me if you want it trimmed, and how much. Any text you want. If you want your service tag and in what format. And if you want your emblem. Your sig should be done in a day or less, but I have a life so I'm not at the computer all the time. I also make avatars in the same format If you request. All Information I get is straight from Bungie.net, so just give me this format for Sig/Avatar Requests: [In additional text, say anything else you want on the sig such as a clan and rank or a url] [In additional Info, say anything like "I want my name to be red, and my service tag to be blue" or "can it all be in Halo3 Font?"]
When you say people like simplicity, it's true but necessarily just a sig with their person or whatnot. They typically like the simplistic style. Something like this. Thanks to neo from ViralGFX for the sig
Yeah sorry mate but your a great forger but not the greatest when it comes to photoshop. I know i can speak for most of the ppl on forgehub when i say that simplictity doesnt apply to sigs very often or at least not the simplicity of these sigs. If you still want to make sigs Id say get some tips off ppl that make sigs on FH or you could do what i did was join this website, Help With Photoshop its a great wbsite in which theres maby about 200 members and the admin personally welcome you and give you some great tutorials (or tuts as they call them). Id say that they have some of the best sig photoshopers on the web. Try them out and you could be making great sigs in no time.