Sorry if this is in the wrong discussion thread. This thread was made to ask people about their thoughts and experiences with the red ring of death (RROD). I also have to ask if the red ring of death is just three red lights and not a full circle. Anyway, the happenings to me have always been three lights. This has happened on two separate occasions, the first time i freaked out and hurried to the power plug and turned off the power on the power board. And viola! My xbox was fine! The second time i just rushed over to the power plug, off, on, and it was fine. You may not believe me, but i do feel lucky that my xbox has survived slightly unscathed, apart from the fact that some games won't work anymore, but i'm getting another xbox! Post some experiences you've had.
You are most likely getting it because you have it plugged into a power adapter, solution, plug it in the wall. Thats how i got mine, its to protect it from surges from other devices on your adapter or w/e ;p
mine got it once i did the same thing turning it off fixes it some times my friend did it 4 times lol kept coming back to get him.
Yeah, it must have been overheating. It shows the same error, I do believe, as the RRoD but it's only overheating. The only time I had the RRoD was from my HD cable, which malfunctioned.
I wrap my xbox in 3 light towels for 30 minutes, this process overheats your box, melts the soldering, of the chip that came loose to cause the redring, it reconnects or something, turn box off let cool for 15 mintues, and no red ring. My consle has been red ringed for about 4+ weeks now, and i just towel trick it when ever the red ring appears agian.
@ Penguinish: that prbly isn't a good thing to be doing to your xbox nywayz, got red rings from i think my intercooler add on, cuz for some reason it actually made it overhead (at least I think)... didn't get my 360 fixd for like 3 months.