(Click to view larger image) MLG SideWall was my second attempt at a MLG Map. This map was originally created by o Papertowel but he didn't like it so we practically remade it, but better. MLG SideWall is an asymmetrical FFA MLG map but is set up for every other game type. Here is a quick sketch of what the map looks like: Here are some pictures: Side A (Red Team): Side B (Blue Team): Other parts of the Map: From Side A to center: Center of the map: Room next to center: Room near A side: Now, The Side Room: View from Side B: http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/cybertigerbob4/Forge Hub/MLG SideWall/68656012-Full.jpg View from Side A: http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/cybertigerbob4/Forge Hub/MLG SideWall/68655983-Full.jpg Map Created by o Papertowel and Cyan Laser Download link
Good map. Although you know MLG maps cannot contain fence walls or Sheild doors. Other then that, this seems nice. I really like that layout for it.
this actually looks very good! like how you made your own map boundries, thats very tricky to do considering the useage of item limit. You also included a good amount of screenshots which helped us get a feel of your map. Looks nice overall, scratching out the aesthetics portion. I might DL later, im not sure about it.
Are you an idiot? Do you even know whats allowed and whats not allowed on an mlg map? First off this isnt in the slightest an mlg map. The layout is terrible and is too hallwayish. mlg maps are meant to be arena style maps, not enclosed narrow hallways. Barrels, crates and other movable objects are NOT allowed. Neither are shield doors or fence walls. Also your weapons are too close together, carbine and sniper shouldnt be as close as they are. Judging by your pics of your previous "mlg" map, you dont know **** about spawns. No one places that many spawns on a map and they are way too close together. Go actually look up some map/level design threads on mlgpro.com about what goes into making a SATISFACTORY map and then we can talk. If you want to see some real mlg maps head over to mlgpro.com's forge forum or look in my sig. BTW mods, you can go ahead and infract me i really dont care. Im just trying to do your job and police this forum to root out the "mlg" maps that arent up to mlg's standards.
I agree with every word you said (even the idiot part... sort of...), the only reason that this is in the MLG forum is because o Papertowel really wanted this map in there... (He is crazy and the spammer who posted earlier...) I suggested that this map specifically go into the Competitive Maps section but again he wanted it in here. (notice no MLG in the tittle picture). Sorry for your inconvenience.
Oh well ok, i understand then. Ive had friends like that before... Well next time i would just post it in the competitive section because maps like this are pushing actual mlg maps down the page. Sorry for being a **** but i get frustrated when stuff like this happens.
Mods, please delete this thread because I am going to repost this in the Competitive maps area, Thank You.