Welcome to the second version of the first Americankid inc. map and my, along with the hawks best work yet. download Back-story Humanity has just learned to flash (instant) clone things and this once peaceful part of a voi warehouse was quickly turned into a hub for thieves trying to clone diamonds to sell for money. The map Bejeweled is centered around a little cage with a regenerating jewel in it. It starts out empty at the beginning of each round and after one minute there is an overshield spawn in it and at two minutes into the game an active camo spawns in the same spot as the overshield and makes a purple jewel. one minute after that a custom powerup spawns in the cage to making a jewel. There is very little cover in this map. It’s so small, that your aim is your cover. Weapons and equipment 2x Carbine, 20 sec respawn, 1 spare clip These are a very powerfull force on this map in the right hands. If you have one of these,by no means ever get rid of it till you die. Couple with an SMG youre really hard to kill. 1x Assault Rifle, 30 sec respawn, 1 spare clip I just put this here for you to get some ammo if nessesary. But if you know how this is quite useful on the bottom level 1x Plasma Rifle, 60 sec respawn In the right hands this is almost a power weapon. That’s why there is only one now. A very dominate force over all on this map. 1x Needler, 150 sec respawn, 1 spare clip The sub power weapon on this map. I placed this near the Spartan laser so it would be possible to destroy it without having to strong a weapon. 1x Sniper Rifle, 180 sec respawn, 1 spare clip It’s a power weapon,what do want me to say? Its weak? Well,its not infact if you can pull off a no scope its your greatest ally. Get it if you can. 2x Battle Rifle, 20 sec respawn, 1 spare clip Same deal as the carbine,this is one of your closest friends on this map. Get and keep one when ever possible. 2x SMG’s, 45 sec respawn, 1 spare clip Probably the most dominate force on the lower level. That’s why they are all on the top level. SMG+sniper is my favorite combo on this map. 1x Plasma Pistol, 120 sec respawn I put this on here for the exact same purpose as remedy. To counter the deployable cover. 2x Spiker, 60 sec respawn, 1 spare clip These are here so you have something to go with your plasma rifle. But they work fine alone. 1x Spartan Laser, 150 sec respawn. The main power weapon of the map. I recommend you put a close range weapon with it. Like a SMG or a spiker. 1x Deployable Cover, 120 sec respawn I took this idea from remedy (sorry linu) and I works like on remedy. You use this sucker to block passages,make some sweet jumps,and save your life. 1x Regenerator, 180 sec respawn This is very useful when paired with a carbine or a battle rifle. I know it saved my life more than once. 2x Plasma Grenades, 60 sec respawn These are a very big help if you got the know how. If not,don’t even pick them up. Its not worth it. 2x Frag Grenades, 30 sec respawn There,with a battle rifle and regenerater,make you a true force to be reckond with. Your welcome I put you some to refresh your supply. Areas and pics There is a number of main areas in this map, such as the sniper tunnel, gravity lift room,piller walkway, the fence box, the shield box, and the “under sniper tunnel”. The sniper tunnel is an important area to control as this is where the sniper spawns. There is a great view of the map here along with a slight disorientation feel. There also a sniper mounted on the wall, but on the negative side there is no cover, making going for the sniper a dangerous task. This is the gravity lift room. It’s quite possibly the most covered area in the whole map. There is a carbine spawn here and an assault rifle on the other side of the wall. This is the main way you’ll get from the first floor to the second, also features a geomerged gravity lift. Beware campers!!! This is the pillar walkway. This is where the entrance to the sniper tunnel is and a battle rifle and SMG spawn here. This area although there is plenty of cover from the front, there is a high chance you will get attacked from the side, after all, the gravity lift takes you up here. There isn’t any really defining features of the fence box other than there is a battle rifle and an SMG. A short walk to the left will net you a carbine and a small jog forward will get you the deployable cover. Oh, little known thing about this area. You can grenade jump and get on a little ledge above the fence box. This is where the power weapon of the map, a Spartan laser, spawns. The really noticeable feature is that there is shield doors interlocked with the fence box, making it see through, but not shoot through. You can look strait up and shoot any pesky snipers. If you’re on top of it, it’s the best sniping spot there is. There is also an escape for the sniper, great way to get away from oncoming enemy fire. Also, there is a little ledge of doors you can try and fall on. Great way to confuse people. This is the area known as “the under sniper tunnel” this place houses a Needler and a regenerator and on the dumpster, a plasma rifle and plasma grenade. This area, while offering limited cover has a good angle on any potential snipers and laserers. Get the regenerator, and a battle rifle, come here and you have your self a winly combination. thanks for looking
Whoa theres a lot goin on here. The jewel is cool, not original though. The sniping tunnel as you call it looks really nice. DL, bbl for better review.
this map is odd. i havent played a game on it yet, however im dling now, so i cant critique on the gameplay. however, the aesthetics from the pics look strangely very well done (like the sniper tunnel) and yet very sloppy in other pics. it looks like a map that u had a couple nice ideas for but after making those u didnt nkow what else to put in so u rushed thru a couple more rooms to post it. 3/5 on aesthetics ?/5 on gameplay