This is the Brand New Monster Trux map made by Dopeydan or as my XBox Live friends may know me by Sgt Danny 7. If you dont like Monster Trucks then just give this one a chance. I added in new platforms for the spawns and included a never before seen phsicadellical VORTEX. Monster Truxz works best with 2-10 Players. Check Out Some Gameplay Pic's OVERVEIW Note to self: DONT skid to an edge when someone is crashing into you I wonder what'll happen next? Time to kill... Oh wait thats Dukem ROFL VORTEX "VZZZZZZZZ" So Thats Pretty Much It Except the SPECIAL THANKS TO... SonicD4rr3n - Vortex Idea/Testing Rowanbird - Accompang me Chrissy - I cant remember his Live name but any way - Accompiang me I doubt it but if i have forgotten you send me an Email or a message on Live GT: Sgt Danny 7 EMail: To be clear this is only my first post so give me Good and Bad points about the map DOWNLOAD LINK Map Variant Halo 3 File Sets Game Variant
holly **** man nice monster truck map i love the use of the kill ball in the middle, on question though how did you make it grow that color?
To tell the truth, I'm fed up with all of these monster truck maps! Seriously, how many of these will they make! None of them are original in any way at all! It's just making me sick! Make something new, not just a copied idea off of someone else monster truck map. Do something that no other map maker will think of. That's how you get featured and thats how to get a lot of downloads. Keep trying, i know you can do better! 1.5/5
If you don't like The game type then why even bother posting in this form then don't post in the form
lol i dont think any one wants to download but if they did then i think some one would have told him that the maps link doesn't work so sorry danger your not supose to post a score with out downloading the map.
*sigh* not another one of these. Not only are these easy to make, but theyre soooo unoriginal. Your probably literally the tenth person to do this. Im not bashing, I just think that people should move on. Anyways, what I actually think about the map, I like the use of the kill ball adn the filters that spawn some time into the game, thats at least a little creative making it change colors, but even then....
To answer your question on HOW to make the kill ball colour you make a type of colour stream i cant remember excactly what one but you put one of those in and you can do it. Also try using other ones and you make stuff that looks like the sun.
I'm not trying to make you mad. I'm trying to help you... So you can make better maps in the future. If everyone who didn't like this map didn't post about what they didn't like about the map. Then you wouldn't know what to change to get more people to like your maps.
Hey, no problem. That's what i do! Maybe we can make a map together when my xbox gets fixed. Happy Forgeing!
Its nice but ive seen better. I like the way you fitted the new oppertunities within' sandbox. Like the killballs. Overall its just another old monster trucks map. Pretty fun but non-original. For a monster trucks map:4/5 For a map in general:3/5 Overall:7/10 Nice job
dopeydan why would you vote on your own poll ang give yourself a good mark that seems pretty pointless
There was only one tester for the reason That only like 3 of my friends have the Mythic Map Pack and only one was online so he helped but everyone else whom has played the map has said it was pretty good. Also i voted on my poll because I thought it was good so what the hay.