put here all the thing you want in forge! it can be anything from vehicles to whatever me first D:< a ball tub (like the ones from mcdonalds) toilet weinermobile a real door like a wooden one that you can walk into and it opens bean bag cushion TV nintendo 64 gamcube fortune cookies tiles and stuff for the floor floorboards carpet pikachu plushie chimney christmas tree couch walls (real ones like in houses) a rug basketball hoop soccer goal hockey puck a mirror one of those light machines in dance clubs a piano like in rainbow 6 when you shot the keys it made noise those pipes with the bubble windows from mcdonalds playplaces giant Q tips
new, advanced man cannons. When you press X, you can choose the angle of the cannon between 0-90 degrees, and the intensity/power of the cannon- how far/high it shoots you (think the difference between the lifts at the end of the active camo bridge on Guardian and the cannon on Colossus in H2) on maybe a scale of 1-10. doors/gates with varying sizes that you can activate from a separate switch (you could set both the door and switch channels to the same # just like teleporters). Lights with a few different color options (maybe 8) that you can place in different parts of your map. breakable glass for windows, skylights. various sizes. $2-3 a pane maybe i know ill think of more, and ill probably update this frequently haha
i think this has been posted before in forge disscusion. edit: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1052.0 please try to use the search function next time
In all honesty a forge item I want is to see water. Water would be really good. So would hills and trees and bushes and stuff, that would be really cool.
Well, if we never get the ability to edit the actual map, how about an item that is basically a box open at the top, and when you place it on the ground, all but the top part of it cuts into the map geometry and makes a pit to block off areas. Yes, you can fall into it. :squirrel_evil:
Some railings please and something like a Shield Door but this time, people can't pass through and only things can.
how bout a box that you can edit what sides are open. want a dead end? keep one side open. want a corner? open two adjacent tides. want a crossroads? open all sides.. ect.