Summary of moveable objects listed at the bottom of the thread btw. In a different thread, I set myself the task of finding out what objects in the Sandbox forge pallet could be used to create elevators, and here is the report. There is a summary at the bottom of what is moveable, since the vast majority of the pallet is immoveable via grav lift. All wall objects are immoveable via grav lift, however, it seems that quite often the grav lift will sink through it rather than stay on top as it is prone to doing so. The small and long wedges are also immoveable via grav lift. Large, double, tall and huge blocks are immoveable via grav lift. Wedge, huge-immoveable. Ramp, large-immoveable. Wedge, large-immoveable Wedge, corner-immoveable All tube pieces-immoveable Column, stone small-immoveable Interestingly, the small damaged column is moveable via grav lift, however, rather than sinking through the column, the grav lift remains on top, but the column itself flies up with it. Coloured columns-immoveable. Large column-also immoveable. Column, stone large, also immoveable. The block tiny is moveable via grav lift, and behaves quite like the crate in Foundry, this piece seems to be a better choice to use over the damaged column due to the damaged columns irregular shape. Block small, flat and angled however, are immoveable. Corner small and corner large are immoveable. Stone bridge is immoveable. Obelisk, immoveable. Fin, also immoveable. Ramp short, wide and thick, immoveable. The grav lift seems to sink through the mid section of the stone platform. The arch interestingly is moveable via grav lift, and behaves much like the block tiny, I believe some interesting ideas could come of this. Scaffolding-when tipped upside down, the grav lift sank through the surface of the scaffolding. The wood bridges do not react to grav lifts. The barricade is moveable via grav lift as well, however due to it’s shape being awkward, I would not suggest this if you intend to create a “Smooth” map with no bumps. Radio antennae is not movable via grav lift. Fusion coils, pallets and golf balls are moveable via grav lift as well The tiny block, arch and damadged collums are all moveable via grav lift to create elevators in Custom Forge variants of Sandbox. Have fun Forging.
Great job! I would say next time try to post in white, I really can't read any of the text. It would also be helpful just to list the "movable" objects and not list the immovable ones as to cut down on any confussion. This is a great job and I will try to sort through what you wrote. I plan on using some of the objets for some cool gagets in the near future. Thanks again.
(There's a summary at the bottom btw) No problem, i changed the text to white as well, I'm not really used to posting here that much since I usually just browse map posts and featured maps. I decided to list the immoveable objects just so people wouldn't waste time trying to make a "Fin-o-vator 9000" lol. Send me a PM when you finish a map with an elevator on Sandbox, I'd like to see what you do with it.
can you please write in a color other than white? It's impossible to see if you are using the old school background...
Spoiler There you go as far as colour... Honestly I don't know how useful this would actually be, but props for writing it all out.
Um, it can be usefull if you want to know what objects are movable via grav lifts or man cannons. Did you even read anything??
Umm, your slightly wrong. The arches are immovable. I just tested. You probably just placed the grav lift right after you placed the arch, which would still move it, like any other immovable objects. Nice try though!
In Foundry you can move the truck with the man cannon, but not the gravity lift (correct me if wrong). It would be great if someone with Mythic could make a "Moveable by Grav lift", "Moveable by Man cannon" and "Can fall through the skybubble" chart.
I might take you up on that one. Nice finds btw, but the arch doesn't sound right. If it's movable, then wouldn't people be able to push them about?
I don't know what happened with the arch, but I stood ontop of it, through a grav lift onto it and if flew up into the air, but when I tried using it on the map I'm making it didn't float, perhaps it was just lag or something.
Column Damaged is the one I'm most interested in. When I played around with it for a minute I noticed that grav lifts on their side barely move it. Man cannons send it flying as you would expect. This could help create some great switches. Good job crazeye