Hey all, new here. This is one of my first maps in Sandbox called, BR Help. Here are some pics then, a link to the map and game type. Pics: OVERVIEW - BLUE SPAWN - RED SPAWN - ACTION - Map - Halo 3 File Details Game - Halo 3 File Details
Dude I can already see how this plays. You need a LOT more cover cause from what I can tell there is no cover at all. This looks boring and isn't very original either. You should really add some more cover and maybe some aesthetics for originality. This has been done before and better to. 1/5 sorry
Okay nice try first off. Second is embed the pics. Third is to try to make more room and objjects for cover,nice job using killballls. Is that jump makable over the middle?? Overall I hope this helps players.Good map.
Wow this is an extremely plain/boring map. Try adding some cool towers off to side, or some altars, or even something completely different. Also, add some cover, because this is just whoever gets first shot wins. For now, 1/10. If you add some stuff, I might raise it a few points.
this in no way improves ur br. and that action shot is embarrassing. i like how u tested it and realized that u don't improve by shooting at nothing. to b good at a br. u have to kno when to come out of cover and shoot around corners. @ moose I no one cares about ur rating cuz it has no real standing since u didn't play it. dont rate unless ur giving a legit review
very boring, unoriginal, blah blah blah and all that other stuff youve already heard, Plus, ontop of making the most unoriginal thing in Halo, you made it sloppy. Even with a grid, may of your items are unaligned.
There isn't much to this map. Personally, I would rework it completly. It has no point. You didn't explain the map, it has no cover, and from what I've seen, it must have taken you about 10 minutes or under. 1.5/5 sorry.
I've seen hundreds of these maps, and I hate them. The fact is that there is no cover at all, and your just going to get spawn killed a whole lot. You gotta spice it up a bit, something no other map did.
I like how everyone who has posted in this thread so far has missed the point of the map. "no cover wtf?" It is br training aka warm ups aka practice to get your br steady. There isn't supposed be cover.
I understand you want the BR practice with strafing, but most maps have a type of cover, maybe add 2 walls at least, then its good. Nice, I'll download and test a bit more.
Just straight up strafing helps you out so MUCH, thats how i got mine where it is today, strafing practice, and just keeping my reticule on them and know where to lead
First off see those ".:" little childish "hey look here!" things in your title, yeah, those are not allowed here. Now onto the map. You should have just made a grav lift + shield door system, it fairer. Just because Sandbox has kill balls, doesn't mean you have to use them. On this map they are very distracting. This same rule apply's to all Sandbox maps, stop using kill balls that serve no purpose! Its also very easy to tell no thought or effort was put into this at all. Your sender teleporters are not in the same place on each side. Your receiver teleporters should be facing towards the other base and all should be on the same angle. You also should have interlocked the floor to provide less of a bump, the same bump that causes BR shots not to register.
i like the kill balls. On a warm up/practice map looks account for nothing so the balls act as a place filler for unneeded aesthetics.if the kill balls are distracting in a warm up map how are you able to focus in actual game? the map does need some sort of cover, but with it this size i suggest using something short that you can duck behind other than walls that might get in the way if you were strafing. The teleporters need to be facing towards the opposition so you can come out shooting. Or, put the teleporters behind a hard cover so your opponent can't see where you came through. if you want downloads you are going to have to interlock the scenery. i think it is fine without it but it is sad at how many people on here wont give a map a second look if there is no interlocking .
i tested this map even though i new my results would be what i thought and i was correct this map was awful id say completly remake it get loads more space it is sandbox you do have space add loads more cover the kill balls are just irritating because it brings to much light and you can make the jump across the center all you need to do is grenade jump
Yeah, im sorry but why would I use this when there is one 10x better on foundry, and a grifball style one also. I think that because its on sandbox you thought it would be loved. Unoriginal and needs something more to it.
I disagree if there is no cover then you'll never learn statistic moves and such. If you get BR practice from this map then when you go onto another map there is obstacles everywhere! So you can learn how to jump out around the corner and shoot and a bunch more strategies like that. I think when you make a BR practice map make some obstacles, not an open area, let the other person jump to the other side. So you learn what to do whenever you get into these situations when you play a real MLG map. This message is not only for you, MacedoniaMafia. It's for aKa Pryor too.