what was lulz... I would b e lieing if i said i didn't I'm content but hey shoot for the stars right?
People have to know you for you to be elitist. Who are you? In my land of Nonidiocy, all idiots will be treated equally. If you prove yourself a Nonidiot, then you are perfectly welcome. But beware, if you show any sign of idiocy it will be punished severely. FEAR YOUR IMPENDING DOOM!
I would gladly accept a staff position. I love being a "Leader Figure" I would love to help in anyway possible in these forums. Helping makes me feel all warm inside :]
Im quite sure if I would or not for multiple reasons like... 1:lack of experience (alot of you say yu were a mod on another website) 2:not active enough Im might exept the offer...but then again,maybe not...
Wow, Any chance of you getting staff was obliterated in that comment. If I was offered staff i would take it in a heartbeat. I don't see why you wouldn't. But if I did it wouldn't really be for colors or animated avatars. (MLG VENOM) I like to control things and keep everything organized. If my school binder became messy it would get cleaned in a heartbeat. Same for forgehub. However i would much rather just stick with loyal. If I got premium or loyal I might try and become a guardian but nothing else. If somebody asked me to be a mod then hell yes!
Yeah, i would accept being staff. I would be a lot more active if i was staff of this site! Because on this other site I was an Admin, but literally 2 people went to the site per day some im like "Ef This?" So yeah.
I would like to be a moderator or a loyal, but NOT a journalist. I'm **** with graphics and I'm on here at irregular times. I would be interested to see whether people would think if I was improving the site or not if I were a moderator. Let's just say it won't happen.