Been back on the site recently. I see new pple (name change?) and some really nice sigs being made. That got me back into making them haha. Her upcoming debut US album is coming up so i wanted to make a BoA sig. =) CNC EDIT: V2
Zero sun? ZEROSUN?!?! The guy who used to put golems in his signature? I like it. I can't say it's perfect, but I can't say there is anything wrong with it.
Light source should be coming from top left and darkened on the right side of her, low opacity text looks very unprofessional, focal needs slight sharpening, and it is too long in size. IMO.
That's what she said... >_> The font looks cut off to me, otherwise nothing really wrong with it. Kinda boring.
Nice, but the focal is lacking attention because the text, there is too much text imo. Good job over all though.
What he said. I see there is some wood texture on the right, you shouldve kept it around the girl too or something, the background is a bit empty atm. Light source is the biggest killer I think.
I would say these are both awsome. Numba one is at the perfect lighting but not much grapic.Numba two is cooler in my opinion. Keep taking sigs.