Glitchamanjaro presents out of Sandbox AND THE LASERS DIDN'T SHOT ONCE This is without- Mods Standbying Lag switch Forge Overloading Vote and Comment-
Wait, i watched video like 3 times. How did they do it? Also they did it without forge? Jesus how can you ever possibly do that? I'm guessing that they just straight up launched the warthog and it hit the barrier? I DON'T KNOW! I'm very curious about this.
Yeah, ZgreenZ, you totally read the description. Anyway, how did you do this? Or are you keeping it secret? I can't possibly think of any other way it would be done. Well done for doing this.
It's still possible this was done in forge, I have a custom gametype which allows you to forge in custom games and have all of the settings...if that's what he did, you brake out just like you did in Sandtrap. Have someone hop on the back of a Hog or Goose, pick them up and push them out of the boundary. Or he could have an XSATA and removed his hard drive right before the game started, which takes out the Guardians, Killboxes and Elastic Boundaries.
Lol bullshit? Looks like a good video, and it doesnt say no overloading at the end of the video, it just mentions the other things..
Being a member of glitchamanjaro I know they often do glitches involving dummying (one object or something else differs between host and client) I think I'll post one of their crazy glitch tages now to demonstrate them further.
You're an idiot. The guy who made this video, is the guy who made this thread. Read the description. It's done without overloading. Also, they're keeping a secret to attract people over to their site. They might have a tutorial at I don't know, haven't been there in ages. Good find, nonetheless.