An elegant arch bridges two warring islands... Couple of firsts here, my first sandbox map and my first competitive map. Bodes well so far huh? I wanted to experiment with the new pallete - see what blocks there were and how to use them. I saw a lot of similarities to the block shapes in the N+ map editor, so i made an N+ style 2d structure. The concept worked, so i expanded it out into islands and bases. Anyhoos, enough exposition - piccies.... There are two bases at each side of the bridge - each side gets a warthog and mongoose: The base interior contains the objective points: If you dont fancy the bridge, there are gravlifts, but look before you leap: Finally, a bit arty: DOWNLOAD
From the pictures I can see that it is pretty aestheticly pleasing I think KOTH could work on this map maybe even team snipers but For what I can see i see that that it probally has good game play 4/5 for now.
Wow! This really shows off what you can do with Sandbox. The asthetics of this are just awesome! It reminds me of narrows. I wonder what a bottom bridge might do, like on Narrows (hint hint) Very nice! 4.5/5 until I can jude, and also until people make better things with Sandbox. (not an insult, I'm just saying I'm expecting incredible things from this map.)
I like this map, it looks really nice, it's also got it's spot in the sandbox map database, not only that but it's also the 40th map in the database, a number to be celebrated.
at first I was like eeewww, but then I saw you actually had an inside base going on there, and nice aesthetics I like the layout for the most part, and all that other stuff, but I thiink you need another bridge, or else its practically impossible, as well as a little more cover on the area to the side of the bridges. Overall I like it a lot, but it still needs some work. P.S. I like teh last picture,
I dont think the far away pictures really do this map justice, this thing is huge. It dominates the map and up close is kinda epic. This is one of the best sandbox maps i have seen yet mainly for the aesthetically stunning idea that ties in with game play. What i think would make it better would be if the arch was spanning some sort of chasm or natural geometry. You shoud try a v2 of this down on the middle layer.
I really like it, but I would of made smaller paths on the sides so you don't go through one part, but looks nice.
I think it looks awesome! Downloading now. I know I haven't actually played it yet, but I think a small amount of cover or a second bridge underneath would make things more interesting. You're probably reaching the budget almost though!
I made a silly mistake, and put the wrong coloured blocks and lights on each base - I assumed red would be the attacker... fixed now.
Good idea there First of all, I love this map. It looks great. I'm thinking hat I will get a narrows feel out of it, and that is one of my favorite maps. The post I have quoted has a good idea. you could maybe make like.. Two minibridges that, if you took re high road, you could drop down onto the unexpecting enemy below. The con to being below is that you don't have high ground. The advantage of height balances the coverless area to the point that they are eaqual. This map has great potential, and you need to focus on bringing that out. 4.5/5 outstanding and something that really could use the skybubble's death barrier to a great extent, instead of having it up there because you can.
this is actualy better than it seems, not only is it well cratfed aestheticly, but it is a good base to start a map of of. looks good will give a 4.5/5 and a dl
this map to me at first looked like you had posted it in the wrong section because the astethics were amazing, but i thought id give it a dl and try it out for team snipers and i gotta say the gameplay was great we did try to make a run for it across the bridge but we epicly faild but then there was the cannonman so all in all good map for team snipers mostly team br's was ok.
Looks pleasing aesthetically, and looks like it would play well in long ranged gametypes. Maybe if you built a smaller bridge underneath it or to the sides and added a mancannon that fires you diagonally over the top of the main bridge, it would be awesome. So far it also seems like a template,would you mind if I used this to build upon? You would get credit if I posted it on here of course!
I downloaded, and liked it, but wasn't thrilled with it. it's fun, but I don't think it'll keep a spot in my maps for too long, especially with the maps destined to come.
I played this map and i must say the idea was cool. The man cannons on each side are VERY badly aimed. They cause you to fly past the opposite base and fall off the side. Warthogs really do not belong in here. I didnt like it at all. 5/10 you need to readjust the mancannons and make another bridge underneath the level. The map would be amazing if there was another bridge under it.