Yes I really would because I own my own website, I know how to work forums and things, I have the skill pretty much. I'm currently doing something important to help them, and I am home schooled, and never do work so I am always online. So yes I would for sure.
I lol'd. We should have known yomtvrapes would find his way here eventually, to further his campaign for mod.
No quote could ever be so grand. uhhh, to the op's question: -If I were offered, again, I would have a hard time deciding, to be completely honest. I love to help out these forums, whenever possible, although, it's too much work for such little return. As a moderator, you're basically a slave. It's kinda lame. (Then again, I think yomtvraps has a better chance of being offered staff then I do.)
Nemi, you were an evil wizard, I was his running mate.... remember? then he claimed to have made all my maps for me and photoshopped pics of me messaging him in support... whatever, you'll probably never read this...
Lol! I would take a premium/Loyal spot, but I'm not active enough for staff. And even if I was.... still wouldn't.
I'll have to say no here, for any type of mod anyway. i'm a power hungry communist and i would infract the **** out of you just because i can.
Attempt to fight spam and stupiditywith a modest selection of tools while being insulted by ignorant minorities that keep complaining that I'm abusing power?...nah dun sound sa fun. Much better to be on the opposite end of that particular exchange. Not to mention you'd be braindead to put me in any position of power "You have received an infraction at the forgehub forums"Reason:<Reason to be decided at a later date....I am the law!>
I would introduce a new infraction called Idiocy infraction. These would be handed out to someone who does something particularly idiotic. Like posting a thread asking about geomerging on sandbox not more than 30 minutes after the last thread asking the same damn thing was posted. This type of person deserves an Idiocy Infraction.
People with lower post count. They have pressed the submit button less, and they are therefore, not as good as us.
wtf that is wrong in so many ways Shat that im too lazy to explain. As for the question my answer is this. I think i would make a good mod. I've run other site and I have done good there, but if i got it of a whim, i would feel like i hadn't earned it. I hope to be a mod one day, but if i do get it, i want it to be because i deserve it, not because i begged or it was given on a whim.