Created By Jmen77. THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY LAST PUZZLE MAP ON FOUNDRY. (AT LEAST UNTIL THE MYTHIC MAP PACK COME ALONG.) THIS MAP IS DEDICATED TO YEE MAN AND IT IS ALSO TESTED BY HIM TOO. THIS PUZZLE IS NOT EASY ITS MY TOUGHEST IVE MADE. 1 PLAYER ONLY. Dont worry Im confused too that Ive driven myself dead. The Hub. Note: You will always need a certain weapon in this room. We need to SLICE and Jam up. Without any music on. Pink is Love not envy so dont be jelous and kill yourself over it. Beat and Go. Scope and Fire. Nice Geoing. Light it and Move. Obey the Sign. obey it! ( Use your Stregnth) Fuel under it. It May Look Easy but it isnt. Get Your Ball Back. Dedication Scene. BEFORE THIS IVE HAD SO MANY PUZZLE POST THAT ARENT AS HARD BUT ARE REALLY CONFUSING. LINK TO GAMETYPE (NEEDED) AND MAP (ALSO NEEDED): Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details WALKTHROUGH POsted When MY MAP GETS 90+ DOwnloads.
When I first saw the title of the post I was totally thinking about a new test your mind and how I have wicked ghost powers. But then you showed me a puzzle map deticated to someone I already know. I have played his puzzle maps countless times and I think this one might be the similar but I'm not sure. O well... This map looks like a better test your mind map but the pics tell nothing about the map because it is a puzzle map. I have to play the puzzle map in order to decide if it is any good. Great map and well done. I give it a 5/5. I hoped this helped. Yea... first post
your post isn't very good. i dont know what your map is about. i think that the pics are the worst part. it leaves a lot of questions. i really want to see your map but i cant because of the pics.
I recently played this map, im at the challenge with the fence box. Looks like you put some time into making this. Over all I give it a 4/5. Ps next time try taken more screen shots of the rooms, so people can get a better idea of what your map is about.