ok, right now i've been getting a bunch of messages about this pic: and i have been making some for my friends, and have improved my skills greatly, as shown in these two: So the next 5 people who post here with thier desired name, color and effects and their gamertag will have this done. If anyone would loke to contribute thier own creations, go ahead and do so and if you want to, post how you applied your effects. If this threads grows signifigantly, I'll create a detailed tutorial + effect guide.
the pics look cool. but how did you make them? i think i would be interested in doing something like that.
Go to the screenshot guide and go to something eamonn posted about sky writing,or something like that. Now those pictures are insane.The last one has too much lighting but I can understand the text. The second one is the best and the first is okay. Good job.
These are pretty bad you can see the weapons. I have some pretty good ones in my fileshare. Halo 3 File Share
Make sure your not in "Forge Mode" when your doing effects or it will make it look horrible, hence the arrows
Why is every one so fascinated its kinda easy to sky write I've done it before with things like BEAR and MLG Pro all turned out ok but i got better still enjoy seeing these pics though 4/5 only because I've seen a ton like Final Boss guy above me you do realize this can only be done in forge mode right so the arrows have to be there.
no, when you get done forging get in to human mode then the arrows go away, go to my fileshare and look if you dont believe me, just look me up.
the text looks too small and i wanted people to see the weapons, thats the point of these pics and thats how i like them.