For the most part...

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Goober, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    I decided to go on a photography foray this evening... Oh yeah, go ahead and plaster me for not having used man effects or any good ones or not being original enough. All I've got say is be quiet, cause you don't need an effect and its getting pretty hard to be original when damn near everyone is doing it. So lighten up allright?

    Just trying out different techniques

    Izzn't ma Hamma prettyz?

    He's safe!

    I need to change my helmet though. I wanna do more like the sketch ones I took, but I started using the helmet I really like(Ascetic) which turns out super bright so I gotta switch. But hopefully I'll be able to take some decent pics soon...
    #1 Goober, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  2. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    Numer 1 is certainly the best, the other two are those which you enjoy looking at but are never going to download.
    I have no problems with anyone trying to be original, everyone learns off each other, so whether you're copying an effect or not you can still be proud of your screenshot.
    Also, swearing at the beginning of your post would put a lot of people off.
  3. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I actually like more simple ones, I like the 3rd, it is really fun, and cool looking.
    Good job!
  4. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    the second and third were both during the double exp this weekend(grifball if ya don't know).

    The "Safe" guy, poor chap flew all the way across the arena before landing.

    The Hammer was right after I demolished their ball carrier, which I conveniently took off his hands.

    And the first one I was just messin around. I'm trying to find good angles and armor I like, and weapon combos that complement the armor. I actually found that effect out of curiosity.

    Sorry about the cussing, I just hate it when people here on FH get so wrapped up in the techniques you use that they forgot to see the beauty in simple things. Once again I appoligize... Thanks for the praise tho =P
  5. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the pics have good lighting effects and are well thought out. i like the first one the best with elite. how did you get it to do that?
  6. Green Twisterr

    Green Twisterr Ancient
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    i think the same
  7. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    It's really easy, I think. I used the juicy, color blind, and .... I may have used gloomy. Then you use a flare. To get that angle you have to throw it at a fair angle up in the air. After its up there go a few frames in and slowly back up into it and the effect becomes greater.

    would you care to elaborate on how you think the same?
  8. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    These are somewhat descent and you didn't copy any of your ideas from someone before you and that's what I like about them. They are all very original with each one containing a simple message. The 2nd one is not as original though and I know you were just trying out different techniques, but I am sure you are aware that "hammer time" haz been rectreated too many times. But, overall good job and I hope to see more of your screenshotz on FH!
  9. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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