Super seksy post FTW! This has to be one of the most original MLG maps I have ever seen. Both the bases and the middle are really amazing. You made use of the back/base part of Foundry, which I rarely see in MLG maps and made good use of it. I much as I admire the tactical jumps and what not, it would be better if you could give easier access to players who want to enter each base via the side. I'm very excited to play here. Excellent job.
That's quite the presentation for you map there. This map is fantastic. I've tested and played on it many times, and always have a good time. It's quite competitive, and very well-designed. The hill in the middle is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Sir Toppum Hat did a fantastic job on the Forging aspect of the map. It's gone a long way from the first version I played, and I couldn't be more happy with what it came to be. And there is one more tactical jump that could be listed, I just haven't showed you it. muahahaha
Insane54, you have created one of the most ingenious mpas for MLG to date. you have covered everything from new ideas like the hill to the basics of having bases. your post just makes me want to have bare your child you have once again made a great spectical of a map
This is an awesome map! The central hill makes like no other map and every geo-merge is perfect! I think that this should get featured!
I really like how this map looks. The interlocking is amazing and the map looks like it has amazing gameplay.
Hey im in 5 of those pics ;] haha. The map IMO plays best in king of the hill which i liked the best while testing. Capture the flag also worked well because there were plenty of paths to run the flag through and just as many to cut a flag carrier off and end his fun ;]. Back to KOTH the center hill was pretty cool and it was hard but not too hard to hold it with out teamate and there were many ways to attack some one holding it down. Grenades were my best friends during the tests and i did enjoy most of the tests that we did play. Overall good work insane i'll probably play alittle more with you later tonight :].
wow... you're a moderator and u break the rules lol. not only did you double post u triple posted. send a warning msg to urself lol. but besides that its an awesome map
Insane has done it again. He has created another one of his steller maps. (btw you really know how to make a good post, 5/5 just for the detailed post!) I demand instant feature! It has my dl.
This is definatly an amazing post, and an amazing Forged map. Although through the 4 games I have held Custums on this map, I wasn't satisfied with the gameplay. It just didn't feel MLG-ish you could say. I have played MLG TS v6 and MLG CTF Ons v6 on this map. And the spawn camping with the sniper on the CTF varient was definatly something, meaning it was too easy. Yet again I love how you guys incorporated most of the actual Foundry into the map, and that you used Beaver Creek like Teleporters. I wasn't dissatisfied with this map, yet I wasn't amazed. Good creating anyway Insane and Toppum Hat. BTW: I joined your guy's party when you were making the wall, and I asked what this map is going to be, and you told me it was a secret project. You kept me wondering for a while about what you guys were making, but now I know, just like everyone else
I played this map in TGIF, and I've got one thing to say... it's AWESOME! I really cant see any room for improvement, and I love the centerpiece. 5/5
wow, seriously my draw dropped when I saw this post lol. The post itself makes the map look incredible. The map looks like it has very great flow to it. I havn't played it yet but i am pretty sure that it plays very well. Nice job on taking your time with the forging techniques, they turned out very clean. Also you need to get recognized on the post. You worked very hard on the pictures and It took me a while to read the whole thing lol nice job
Neatly forged, greatly interlocked, nicely geomerged, overall great map. I really like the gametype and how the map is overall combined for a good post. Nice job 5/5 -Tyberious
Well, judging from the pictures it looks very well forged and unique. However i just have to say that it's not my style
Woah this is insane really beastly preview saw at facilityB5D. And a good preview leads up to an insane map by Anyways really nice duck strategy but not so hot double post. I like the weapons here and how did you get the custom powerup in that wall,amazing. Nice review from me.You got my download.
I remember testing this map. I love the gameplay in it. One of the best maps I've ever played just because of the gameplay. And, the aesthetics are pretty good too.
Are you kidding me. Interlocking doesn't make a map great. It is all about the game play. I bet you didn't even download this map just because it didn't involve enough interlockinhg. This map is amazing. Should definitely be submitted to Atlas. The game play looks steller and I am definitly going to download this map.