Elevators on Sandbox? Please help.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DrDoctor, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. DrDoctor

    DrDoctor Ancient
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    Alright. This is my first post so I wholeheartedly apologize in advance if I did something wrong. I'm getting used to the rules and regulations for everything and hope I'm posting in the right place and such.

    My dilemma.

    After reading up on some switches and doors I decided I would like to make an elevator on sandbox using a resistance switch. On Foundry this would be pretty easily done with a crate or a dumpster but if I read and remember correctly there are neither on sandbox. Is there some object I could use as an alternative? Perhaps palettes? At least two stacked to keep them from tilting, and to keep the player from flying in the air through when standing before releasing the switch. Has anybody tried this yet? I will when I get home but will be away from my xbox for several hours. I'm also not an expert forger so I would like some input. Can an elevator be executed properly on sandbox?
  2. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    yes, it can. Pallets are a definite. But it's hard. Just do the norm and put the powerup on the pallet and the grav lift merged in the top section of a box, make a tunnel that leads upwards and outwards (at the top) so that when the pallet is thrown up by the grav lift, it smoothly pushes you out of the tunnel. Rather hard to execute properly but pretty cool... and fun

    hope that helped
  3. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
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    Their is a brick I think it’s called tiny or some thing, but it’s a good size a little small but it might work better then a pallet. Oh and its moveable
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    That's good good suggestion. I was thinking of this the other night. I am not able to forge until tonight. I would say someone should go through all the available pieces on Sandbox and see what objects are movable via grav-lift or man cannon. I can't wait to see someone come up with a good elevator on this map. It could be a great idea. Again, I am not sure what piece to use as of now. However, I would avoid unsing pallets as the elevator floor because they break too easily. If someone comes up with something good, please spread the word. I am considering using an elevator in one of my upcoming maps.
  5. DrDoctor

    DrDoctor Ancient
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    Oh wow. I haven't used all of the objects yet so I had no idea that some of those were actually movable. This gives me a lot of hope. Much better than palettes. I just thought they were one of the only movable surfaces I could use. I wonder if that object will fit nicely into tube pieces... hrrmm :confused:
  6. crazeye0

    crazeye0 Ancient
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    When I get a chance, I shall check which objects in the Sanbox pallet are moveable via grav lift and report back as soon as possible on what is or isn't moveable with a full list. Pallets, as in the wooden boards will be excluded due to the fact it's obviously moveable.

    Note that I won't be on for an hour or two, so you may be in for a wait, sorry, it's the best I can do.
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Great. Thanks for doing this.. I have a feeling that an elevator is possible on Sandbox. I am just not sure. Will have to wait for some more results. It would be nice if someone could make an elevator with some form of a switch that could take the elevator up and down.
  8. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    there are 2 blocks, tiny and small, that are movable. you can use those in place of dumpsters.
  9. crazeye0

    crazeye0 Ancient
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    I'm quite sure the tiny block is moveale, having seen it in a map post this morning in some form of Cat and Mouse/Tremors mashup, but I'm still going to test other objects, as I'm sure I've seen some others as I have forged that have moveable properties. I will definitly be on in half an hour to make the list.

    And when I say I'll test everything, I mean EVERYTHING.
  10. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    hah spartanIII, love you sig, don't click this, lol, had me worried there mate!
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    rofl. unfortunately i believe these both are spam.... fail....
  12. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    As everyone said already, Block, Tiny and Block, Small are movable. Column, Damaged is also movable as well, but I think 2 out of the 3 are only movable by vehicles. You can't move them by beating down, but I'm pretty sure you could move at least one of them with a rocket launcher. All three of them are movable by grav lifts.
  13. The Trivial Prodigy

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    Elevator help idea

    Place two double walls so that they are close together, parallel, and standing vertically. You may want to place these so that they are against a wall or other surface; there should be enough space for a mongoose to fit between the walls. On the outside edge of each double wall, place a man cannon, facing inward, as close as possible to the walls. Next, place a regenerator in the space between the walls. You now have a very simple elevator. To use it, simply pick up and activate the regenerator, and you should be thrust into the air.

    Now add your finishing touches, and you're done.

    Hope this helps.

    (Note: For some reason, this system will only work with a regenerator, so be sure to use that piece of equipment).
  14. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    The damaged column, small has unique properties that allows it to be lifted up by a grav lift while not going through it, thus causing it to rise indefinitely. It can be made to rise with either the scenery object or a deployed equipment. That should be very useful to you. Basically, put a grav lift on top of the column, watch it go.

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