I have an idea for a competitive game type. Its bassically like an actual war. You would have one life no sheild no radar. Making a really intence match . Help me out and give me your thoughts. Thanks
Problem is, once you die, you can't play anymore, and many people will start camping with machine guns. Ah, such is real-life war, I suppose.
the thing is i want to make a map talored to this where there is alot of cover and the weapons arent overpowered... Camping is okay because theres going to be enough cover to make you unseen to sed camper.
Suggested game variant setting for this: Shields = NO Damage Resistance = High Immune to headshots = YES This will allow people to stay alive longer and take a few bullets (wounds) before going down. The only problem I foresee is people getting bored after they die and leaving the custom game. Would this be fast-paced enough to keep people's interest? --dc
Or, have those who died spawn outside the map into a "playground area" where they can mess around until the round/game is over. This will solve the boredom problem, but I don't know how this would affect a game as far as scoring... If its CTF or another objective-style game, let those who are in the playground kill to their heart's content; it won't affect the winning/losing team. If its a slayer-style game, then this will not work. More or less along the lines of the Jailbreak CTF, but without a way to get out. --dc
well you couldnt really camp, because they would already be dead, I see what you mean, but if a map is made properly, there wont be any areas that give a huge advantage to the enemy. I wouldnt play on shields, i would play 25*, and only use AR, SMG, Pistol. No BR or sniper. too accurate.
Too many letters in "Die and go to Hell." Won't fit as a game variant name. ... Lolz, I'm just messin' with ya! I know it won't be called that. Where are my pills... But seriously, 1 Flag CTF, One Bomb, Territories, or even VIP would be really cool. --dc
I dunno...i dont like the idea of limited lives It just seems like people who die would get bored out of there holes and the people who survive would be paranoid about dieing and would be hiding in their holes... Oh wait that is real war! Hehe...i just think once you take away the limited lives this is just SWAT. My thoughts,build the map then tailor the gametype TO it
Having limited lives will make people super-paranoid, but thats not necessarily a bad thing. Also, about BRs, I think you should consider them... They are probably teh most realistic gun in teh map, and they'll be fine as long as you have lots of cover.
BLASPHEMY TBH i think your idea would workd best with larger parties than lag will currently allow us. Even with 16 people thats only eight kills a team, you may as well make it a cops and robbers map so the "dead" people can run around the jail and shoot each other while they're dead.... Altho if you do make people have maybe three lives so they dont die once and "blam thats all folks!" While they will still go a bit little nuts when they only have 2 deaths left