We can only hope Bungie steps up and releases another foundry-type map in the future. Itd be pretty dope to have a Covenant or Forerunner themed map. those gemini doors would be awesome. some quick automatic doors could make some interesting maps
Whoops - I thought you meant Gemini the old gaming system (it was something like Gemini, idk). Yes, I owned H2, and yes, having those doors in Foundry would be God-like. I still keep mah pallet, though >__>. Lights, they could just release new things for Foundry in DLC. Maybe open up those garages in the back to add even more space to Foundry than there is (I'm talking Standoff space, here :O).
yeh the pallets a good touch, does it blow up with only 1 frag? ah nvm ill go find out myself. about standoff..i would just love to have foundry's forge capabilities with a sloped, non-building floor map. some hills and stuff, maybe some trees. i always thought itd be cool if the actual map was just enormous, like makes sandtrap look like epitaph kinda big, with different scenery all over it, hills, maybe a river running through part of it or somethin like that. but you have a map area budget, meaning you have to select a certain allotment of land only so big, so you can choose wherever you want your map to be out of all the different scenery. wow, rambling.
Yes, it blows up with only 1 frag. If it took two frags to blow it up, that's what I want my house made of. I'm talking just the same foundry, but having garages that open to a big, open, square space. Imagine the possibilities, mate. And yes - rambling.
This map is really smooth playing and awesome. I give DOM a 5/5 the map is a 4.99/5 :| With love &comapsion- Albhouse
Domi, I hate you! The map looks good though, can I have the map and throw you in the dumpster? Love is suicide! DL! BAMBABABAMBAMBAM! This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! lol JK. But seriously, the map looks really good, I am going to have to trust you on the sword and overshields thing though.
...MEAN. With the fast-paced-ness of this map, it's hard to hold onto any weapon for a period of time. The sword, also, does not own the map - location does.
I like how u made plateforms in the wall. it gives the map a hole new dimension. But i dont like the # of power weapons on the map. it can really take away skill of players during games
Looks pretty cool... seems like it would make a good MLG map. Do you have an MLG version of the map? That would be tight.. Wish my Xbox was working, I would DL and test it for you. =[ Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Cool map. I like all the little things in this map, like the wall platforms and the rocket corner. I'm wondering though, what's your thinking on the teleporters in the corners? I think the map could be fine without them, but I am very biased against teleporters, so..
Not really super original, but nice, especially rocket pit. Constructive criticism would have to be that i ain't gonna download it cos i can't think of any way its different 2 other maps. [no shame in this, my maps r boring as hell]
You guys keep digging this up from whichever hole it's hiding, I appreciate it your interest in it. Critical Ghost - The platforms were kind of a last minute addition, but I like how they turned out. There are an abundance in power weapons, but that hardly takes away form the map. Deepmonkey Paw - This would make a good one in my opinion, but there's hardly any room for cover - I'll think about it. NeverlessWonder- I added those to add a feel of every part of the map be accessible at different locations. You are able to spawn camp with them, though, so I'll take them out if I make a V2. Altair4PM - The one thing that pisses me off here on FH, over everything else, is when people comment just to say they aren't DL'ing. I appreciate your criticism (being unoriginal - okie dokie, there's your opinion), but try to be a little more constructive next time.
It's alright, I'm sure that you didn't mean to offend me by saying it. It's just a pet peve of mine, it feels like someones insulting me when they say it. Please don't take my response as the norm of FH users - we're generally a nice community.
Well, dats a relief. Cing as I thought ur map was slightly unoriginal, u could check out my fileshare and say what u think of my maps ( unpublished as of yet because I realised that they were unoriginal 2 ;-)