Docks V2 Halo 3 File Details Well, after i released "Docks" the other day i recieved a few comments on how i could improve it....and so i did. If you didnt see the first one then ill describe what docks is,. Docks is a mid sized competive map made by me, T4K Shadow (a.k.a Destroyer7793). I have created two boats for bases at each end of the map, and aslo made a boat for the overshield spawn to. In the centre of the map there is a warehouse, which is the main asthetic piece in the map (i think so), The warehouse has two floors, well one and a half floors. I did use interlocking in this map, quite a bit actually, which you may, or may not be able to notice, but it all enhances the visual look of the map. Gametypes: Team Slayer slayer Multiflag Recommended Gametype: Multi Flag Okay, i now have the weapon and equipment lists, here they are: Weapon list: Br x 7 smg x 2 spiker x 2 magnum x 2 needler x 2 brute shot x 2 rocket x 1 sniper x 1 carbine x 2 mauler x 1 Equipment list: frag grenades x 2 plasma grenades x 10 spike grenades x 4 bubble shield x 1 regenerator x 2 overshield x 1 Vehiecle list: Mongoose x 2 Changes From V1 to V2: -added a new boat and moved the overshield onto it -added more objects in the warehouse -created a new pier and placed the rocket on it -Added more cover to the two boat bases -added new equiptment and a couple of weapons -Neatened several things up Okay, now onto the pictures, i took all the screenshots with the in-game effect on this time, so you can get a better picture of what its like to play on it. (except the last one) Overview: Warehouse overview: Red base: Blue Base: New Overshield spawn: new Rocket spawn: New bottom floor warehouse: Sniper spawn, (isnt there in picture) warehouse second floor: Okay, there it is, Docks V2 Please feel free to leave feedback, you never know, i could release a V3! Download Link: Halo 3 File Details Thanks for viewing my map!!
Ah this looks a lot better than the first version. You cleaned a lot of things up and the boats look a lot nicer. You also put some more cover outside the warehouse... which is good. Overall looks pretty good. I'll DL.
Looks sweet. How long did it take.. didnt sandbox come out last week? I would DL but I dont have the new maps yet.
it has taken me atleast 10 hours to make and tweak, i got the maps early that swhy i could release it so soon
Wow great gameplay and Nicely crafted. Nice use of the skybubble. Very fun to play and some good competitive fun. The only thing is you have unlimited possibilities in the skybubble and you didnt use them especially the space... Overall 4/5
not having a go but dude, there was no way i could make this bigger, i have £0 budget left. Please remember that there is an item limit too, anyway, thanks for the feedback
Looks like you used the skybubble. Amazing design and outstanding gameplay. The first custom i've seen on this map. Congrats to the first sandbox map! Looks like the weapons could have better placement although they are fine just where they are. May I recommend a lift or something to the very top of the warehouse. Very very nice though. Looks like you have got some good skybubble forging potential. Keep up the good work! 9.7/10
sorry but to me it just look like it took about 15 minutes 20 minutes tops! i see no real effort put into it and no real point to the map. All i see is a bunch of objects placed randomly! on the upside it has the possibility of being a good map, but only if you build upon it. the other good thing is the base. it looks well forged but no interlocking or very little. sorry but better luck next time!
Woah, I didn't even think of downloading it the other day, but now that you've changed so much, I think will. I see you added more cover. I like how it works from long ranges to short close encounters, reminds me a little of assembly. 5/5 Especially weapon placement. That's awesome. Are you serious? This looks nothing random. And there are two bases. Did you even look at the map?
what the hell, can you not see the interlocking, all the boats have interlocking, bits of the warehouse has interlocking. By the way some of the objects are supposed to look random becasue ITS A DOCK!!!!! And both sides balance out evenly with the "objects placed randomly". What do you mean when you say "no real pint to the map", the point of it is to be a fun, addictive competitive map, how can a map have no point? P.S. Did you even look at the pictures?
This is a really good map. I get the new maps this Friday so I will download it and play it with my friends. The best part is how creative you were. And can you interlock on sandbox?
Yes you can interlock. After looking through this map I say it's still awesome, but the mongooses seem a bit pointless to me. What did you have in mind with them? And I don't want "To drive" as your answer. It just seemed too small for mongooses to me.
I will download once Bungie decides to release the MMP for all... I saw your first, thought it was O.K., and then I saw this. Big improvement, looks to be a really good map with a good design. I take it most the battle is in the warehouse, because people like indoors. And about the mongeese, those are probably just there for fun, but I like fun, and I can picture a teammate hopping on the back of mine as I "accidentally" drive him off the other teams boat. 4.5/5, cus nothings perfect nowadays.
This is a great map, you done a really good job on the boats,, very realistic, and fun to play on 4/5 bro!
Well, thansk everyone for the very possitive feedback (with one exception), its great to know that people like and can notice the changes ive made to it, once again thanks The mongooses are just there for fun really, like you could try drivebys in the warehouse, or drive a teammate of the ede of a pier
Hmmm, interesting. I especially like the boats; good use of obelisks there. The warehouse is nice too, with some sweet lighting.
The front of the two ships look pretty cool, nice interlocking! It looks like you could have I great time playing this. I love the interior of the warehouse too! looks very cool. I'll give this a 5!
Wow great gameplay and Nicely crafted. Nice use of the skybubble. Very fun to play and some good competitive fun. The only thing is you have unlimited possibilities in the skybubble and you didnt use them especially the space... Overall 4/5
thanks everyone! Why do people mean when they say "unlimited possibilities"? ther are a few restrictions, the OLN limit is the main one, not being able to interlock with some of the items is another, and the last one i can think of is the budget. Not being mean here, just saying that there arer restrictions