Sandbox Divum Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by 2900d4u, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. 2900d4u

    2900d4u Ancient
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    Divum Arena is a small symetrical map in the sky bubble of Sandbox. It's the first map i've ever finished. 2 bases are connected to a central structure. There's a teleport on each base leading to a floating area to shoot the center. It works best with slayer and CTF matches with 2-8 players. ​

    Map overview
    Blue base
    Tele platform
    Platform view
    Another center shot
    Map overview 2
    Center bottom
    Central structure

    #1 2900d4u, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  2. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    Nice...I can't think of any improvements works awesome for 4V4 haven't tried 5V5 yet.

    Also love the light at top looks like its shooting out of tower.

    Wow an infraction for saying I havn't play'd 5V5 yet >.>

    Anywho play'd 5V5 very nicely much better than 4V4.

    Middle is a bit to open though.
    #2 Fallenrat, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  3. Pwnage 2the max

    Pwnage 2the max Ancient
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    Awesome map very good work. Id give it a 4/5 only thing that could be improved is put a sniper on the two platforms. This would give people more of an insentive to go to them, cant do an alot with just a br from the platform.
    Or have it so their is a sniper at each base.
  4. zealot of wasps

    zealot of wasps Ancient
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    good but it could do with more parts playing with the fact that you don't need supports.
    EG: stepping stone, if you miss the jump you fall and die. 24/30
  5. zealot of wasps

    zealot of wasps Ancient
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    sorry, stepping stones
  6. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    ive only managed to get a 4v4 game going on this but ive got to say wow this map was really fun. as far as i can see i dont see any nessasary improvements. and the middle struture looks really cool good job.
  7. GettingAwayWithMurder

    Senior Member

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    FINALLY a truly stunnig sanbox map, I was getting depressed with all the other ones out there. This is what people should expect out of all sandbox maps: awesome looks, and awesome gameplay! 5/5 man good job
  8. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    this is the first map on sandbox that is very good. i like the middle. it looks like a lot of the battle will be taking place there. i like the floating areas on the side too. i think they are very strategic places. very nice. i think this should get featured
  9. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    Very Very neat map, it's good to play no hitches, i give it a good 4/5, but likewise as said before the sniper platforms do give people the incentive to go up and use them, but still really good map!
  10. Born 0n Board

    Born 0n Board Ancient
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    I haven't gotten the maps yet so I won't comment on the quality of the gameplay because that would be spam, but I have some concerns.

    How did you test this map? The map look well made and all but have you even tested it to make sure the spawns work and everything?

    I went to your profile and looked at your recent custom games. I saw ten or so games on Sandbox Forge, but only one for any non-forge custom on Sandbox. It was CTF, but that was only you and your second account going 1v1 in CTF. I am just curious that if you haven't played and real customs on your map that you could have tested it, not to mention not many people have the maps right now so testing would be difficult to organize. I don't mean to call you out I am just curious, for it appears you took time and effort on the other aspects of the map.
  11. 2900d4u

    2900d4u Ancient
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    I don't have any friends who have the maps, so i played a few local games. I took a look at the spawn points and areas on other maps and i think i did it right. I'll fix things if it's necessary.
  12. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    This map is outstanding! Out of all the Sandbox maps posted on Forgehub to this date, this map is easily the best(IMO). I like all of how the center structure is formed, and the aesthetic qualities of the tele-platforms, and the top of the center structure is amazing as well.

    One thing that I do think is unnecessary, would be the shield doors that block the gunfire from the tele-platforms. The reason is that there is already enough cover for the people on the center structure to be able to put up a good fight.

  13. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    WOW! This is very fun. Huge base and fun gameplay. Nice hiding spots for campers ;) I really do like the middle structure. Its big and is great for close range. Now, the two bases idea is overused and you gave it new life. I really like no need for improvements. 5/5
  14. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Oh, very nice. I'm also glad to see a Sandbox map with more than two screenshots for once.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I have played a few rounds on this map.

    Your spawns are in serious need of work. When a player spawns, they should be facing in a direction that has no possible chances of accidental death with walking a few feet / seconds from their spawn.

    Also, your spawn points are only on each base, and none in the middle. Because of this, if players control the top of the map, all they have to do is guess which side the enemy will appear on and kill them as they spawn.

    The teleporter perches also suck as they are too small and prone to having a player slip and fall to their death accidentally. Also, why sniper perches and no sniper? Or did I just miss where the sniper was?

    In general it could use a wider variety of weapons as well.

    All in all, its a good idea, but it sucks and needs work.
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Well, I was going to comment on this, but I'll be goddamned if Titmar didn't take the words right out of my mouth.

    The main layout is cool, but I absolutely hated spawning in the same place every time. It also seemed really easy to fall to my death, but that was probably because I was drunk and didn't know my way around.

    Anyway, I'd recommend ditching the teleporters and just incorporate it all into a larger map. It has potential, but for now I'm not digging it.
  17. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I like this map! I think it is cool because I like how the middle structure is. I also like the bases. It looks a bit cramped from the overview pics though. I would give this a 4/5
  18. 2900d4u

    2900d4u Ancient
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    There are about 6 spawn points and a spawn area in the center. I'll try to fix it and change some things, but i reached the object limit.
  19. tehUBERn00blet

    tehUBERn00blet Ancient
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    This map is the first to be so fantastic in both aesthetics and function. Just plain beautiful. What I love most is the center piece and the shield doors on the edges. When I get this map, I'm going to steal that purple light idea >:)

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