I know you tried to make it look distant when you blurred her, but it ended up looking more LQ than far away.
Monotone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Actually, I tried to sharpen her. However, too much of the sharpening was not enough, do you get what I mean?
My whole signature ISN'T black and white. Therefore, it can't be monochrome. However, I repeatedly used it. That equals monotone. So both of us are stubborn. However, only one of us is afraid to be wrong. You seem like you're positive you're correct.
Frag, we all know your stubborn to crit. And PLEASE stop working with anime, I can't bring myself to like any of your work with it.
Who the **** cares, its just another lousy sig. I hate this one. Its very boring. Bad text, and bad attempt at depth. Bad shadows. Agreed. LOL, you said that, and then you didn't even give any CnC.
monotone - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary >.> Well fine then. monotone - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary My bad, I gave you the wrong one. monotone - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Okay, I'll ****ing settle this for you, since I'm the smartest person here. It can be either term. 5. sameness of tone or color, sometimes to a boring degree. 1. a painting or drawing in different shades of a single color. Close enough to NOT ****ING MATTER.
Color is art is color. Art is color is color is art. Art color art color art color art is art is color art color art color. Oh, and HEY LOOK. COLOR IS USED IN BOTH DEFINITIONS. ART = COLOR ∴ COLOR = ART.