Forge Fun (Santrap Map)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by koolme26, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. koolme26

    koolme26 Ancient
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    WAZZAP! This cool map is basically a forge map that I one day made because I was very bored in forge. So when you get bored...head on over to this awesome map and have some fun!

    NOTE: Many injuries apply when playing this map. Please have an ambulance on stand-by.

    The Explosive Elephant. Once it starts flyin', it doesn't stop!

    The Pimped Out Elephant, holding the Pimp Teleporter. (The Elephant IS drivable by the way.)

    This is where you go when you enter the Pimp Elephant's Pimp Teleporter. There is weapons, flying vehicles, and ANOTHER pimp teleporter! (So Much Pimp...)

    The other Pimp Teleporter's Destination, having some cool ground vehicles.


    I Do Plan on making ALOT more maps, that hopefully all you lovely people will enjoy alot!

    And...Now...What you all have been waiting for!!!

  2. timbojim

    timbojim Ancient
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    Well I like the idea that youve made a map that allows people to mess around. what I don't like is that this is very old and everyone can do this by themselves.but good intensions
    #2 timbojim, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  3. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
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    Not really a good map.Maybe good when Halo 3 first came out but not now.Good post though.

    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
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    I don't want to be a hater but this is an ametuer map at best. I could make the flying elephant in two seconds and the teleporters are nothing special. Don't get me wrong though, I love riding on the flying elephant and I could all day long but the map is just too simple and un original. I do agree that it is a nice post so I'll give it a 3/5
  5. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    Definitely a unoriginal map. This has been re-created so many times. Sandtrap is really only good for messing around, infection, snipers, and CTF. While it may be fun to mess around on this map, this really doesn't belong on forgehub because it cant really be classified as a competitive, aesthetic, mini game, or MLG map. 2/5
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Casual FTW! Anyways...the map is pretty bad. It's like a bunch of things lying around. Actually, that's what it is. I'm sorry but I really can't be kind on this one. Dude, Sandtrap is good as a default map or infection. Not this. This might be fun for the first five minutes, but it's replay value doesn't look too good. Sorry man, but I'll give it a 2/10.
  7. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Adding a well-known glitch and a bunch of useless items into Sandtrap isn't going to make it any better. You won't be receiving a download from me. Au revoir.
  8. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    you guys dont need to be such assholes about it, he didnt create the map to get credit for being a master forger, hes simply presenting a cool thing that he oobviously thinks is fun to us forgehubbers. Given, many people already know about it, but you dont give people **** for interlocking and geomerging just because you already know how to do it, if you dont think the map is worth dling, then dont Dl, but dont sit in his thread and give him **** just for trying to show you something cool

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Ok well idk what to say here, We got 2 battles for this map. I know what your trying to say Dow, but as reviews, we cant always give good comments too everyones maps, so with that siad ill have my share to what i think. of course no 1 really likes it b/c it was done ages ago, but this was fun at the time. Honestly though, i would not recommend posting this map b/c of what everyone else said. My review = 1/5.
  10. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    1/5. this was unoriginal back when halo came out. everyone did it at some point.
    it cant be used for machinima, nor is there any real game to play it with.
    there isnt anything special or unigue about this. random teleporters accross the map or at the top doesnt help, nor the vehicles.
    no dl from me. i could make this easy, therefore not worth downloading.
    dont be discouraged, though. if you end up with a good idea, you know how to embed pictures, so thats good for a new forger. next time you post, you should try to make a better description
  11. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Well, This has been done so manyh times its not funny. Your map its way to simple. If your going to ake a flying elephant come up with a new way to fly it. So anyway needs more of an original idea other than thats its good 2/5
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Well, ok. Here's all I have to say. I don't think you really needed all of those objects for starters, and I thought you might have overused the words, pimp, and cool a bit too much. There wasn't anything NEW about it, you should've made the cannon elephant because it's annoying to build. I would classify this under the screw-around-on-the-map category. Sorry if that was a little harsh, but I'm just tryng to be honest. Make something on Foundry, or the mythic maps if you have them, not something someone could make in 5 seconds.1/5.
  13. FrankFries

    FrankFries Ancient
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    1/5. this was unoriginal back when halo came out. everyone did it at some point.
    it cant be used for machinima, nor is there any real game to play it with.
    there isnt anything special or unigue about this. random teleporters accross the map or at the top doesnt help, nor the vehicles.
    no dl from me. i could make this easy, therefore not worth downloading.
    dont be discouraged, though. if you end up with a good idea, you know how to embed pictures, so thats good for a new forger. next time you post, you should try to make a better description
  14. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Off topic, but...

    How do you even merge on non-DLC maps?
  15. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    I would like to point all you assholes to this map (sorry it isn't on FH, but if it was, it would get these kind of comments because none of you respect eachother enough to play it before you DL it.) This map used Innovation on this concept to make a VERY fun map. Maybe some of you will actually build something Worth halo players time that isn't a generic boring map. This is pointed to ANYONE thinking that the elephant flying was pointless, sure his map wasn't the greatest but with helpful comment maybe he could have created something great, now we will never know. So pull your heads out of your asses and learn some respect.
  16. tsar

    tsar Forerunner

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    I'd give it a 3/5 because he could of at least made a gametype with it like infection with zombies spawning around the elephant

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