..:uck Hunt v2::.. Map A Classic Duck Hunt game with a twist. (Use with Game Variant Ducks v2) Game Variant Infection A Classic game of Duck Hunt... Kill the Ducks!! Hunter Spawn This Is Where The Hunter Spawns. Ducks Spawn This Is Where The Ducks Spawn. Lvl 1 Bubble Bubble Shields On Level 1. Lvl 1 Level 1 of Duck Hunt Has 1 Shield Door, 3 Barriers Stacked, and 1 Long Shield Door. Lvl 2 Bubble Bubble Shield Spawn on Lvl 2 Lvl 2 Level 2 of Duck Hunt Has 1 Shield Door, 1 A Side Sign, and 1 Pallet. Lvl 3 Flare Flare Spawn on Level 3 Lvl 3 Go Through Man Cannon To Get To Other Side. Lvl 4 Cover Deployable Cover Spawn on Level 4. Lvl 4 Level 4 of Duck Hunt Has 1 Shield Door, 1 Dumpster, and 1 Shield Door. Teleporter Teleporter and Custom Power Up. (Must Get Power Up To Kill Hunter) Kill The Hunter Kill The Hunter. Designed By Leader Vendetta
first off, I can see quite a few ways to cheat on this map. Second of all, its a little too open, even for duck hunt, and I know this doesnt affect gameplay, but please polish your map up with some aesthetics, preferably interlocking. Also ur last 3 pics are the same. Im not flaming but...
The zombie can hid under the hunter cage, and these maps are so common. To many of them. To open too. Not that great but decent. To many ways to cheat too.
We don't need more duck hunt maps! Try to think of something more original. And there are some ways to cheat. I'd fix everything up, like you aesthetics, close it up a bit, and don't post your v2. jk. Post it if you like, but make sure you add a twist to it, so people will want to download yours. Ask yourself, What makes mine different from everyone elses?
You can hide under it unless you find a way to shoot threw the floor and way to many duck hunt maps. Please make something original. Check out some of the featured maps or do a twist to duck hunt like this http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/16493-gauntlet-v2.html
Im sorry, but its been done to much and the original one is the only one I play. To many remakes and it is now unoriginal
This seems a little unoriginal but okay I guess. And also, it seems like there would be a lot of campers though in the spawning area but, that was just from what I saw. The original version is the best one though and there is too many map variants for this gametype. Overall 2.5/5 because it doesn't seem like it took you that long to make these adjustments and it has widely been manipulated.
does need work but people need to stop criticizing this map. It may be unoriginal but whatever, because duck hunts awesome. A map doesn't need interlocking its just aesthetics. It is nice if you do it, but its not a must. If you post a map here that isn't interlocked your going to get attacked from members usually new. this map receives a 3/5 though because it is unoriginal, and if your going to make a map that isn't original, you NEED to have interlocking.
waaaaaay too unoriginal. been done many times, and really, this looks like it was thrown together in less than 5 minutes. no merging period and many ways to cheat, and also there isnt enough cover besides being too open. 1/5 for unoriginality and work effort. take a look at forging 101 to learn to merge. it'll make your map neater, and get downloads if its good.