I was just thinking about this and thought it was an interesting subject. I can almost definitely say that I would politely reject the offer to become part of the staff. It would just be too much work for me, seeing as how I don't spend a lot of time on the computer. I enjoy being a regular member as it is. I'm pretty positive that I would never be offered staff in the first place and I am not asking for it, but I wanted to know if some others felt the same way as me, or if I was just one of a kind. Discuss and explain.
It wouldn't work for me because I only get on forgehub now before like 5:00 or before my parents get home so ya I would like to help out but the most that i can do that I am fine with is just reporting posts. Well ya..
Sure I would.I hate not having non animated images.The colors are sweet.\ And I love leading big groups so yes I would surely accept.
You would want staff position just for the color and the special advantages that you get. Why wouldn't you say you would want to be staff to "help out the forums" that sounded really unprofessional. If you are staff you have to do your job and I dont think you would do a great job..
I'm not sure to be honest. It would be a good chance to become part of the staff, but I'm getting much more involved in the Ghosts of Onyx. Also, with the release of the Mythic map pack, I'm playing on Live more and more to get the new achievements, play Halo Wars coop with my friends, and forge new maps. I doubt I would be able to find the time.
This thread is kinda pointless and doesn't belong in General Chat imo. Now you say you'll deny promotion, but if it actually arose you would take it in a heartbeat. Trust me. I think there has been maybe 1 or 2 cases of which someone denied color rank. However, almost everyone will say they wouldn't take it, because with some sort of f'ed up logic they will think that may increase their odds about getting staff. In reality, you are offered staff for your work on this site. If you say "Oh I wouldn't take it because I can't be on here much," then you would have never been offered the position in the first place, hence why are you stating whether or not you would accept something that will never be coming your way?
First of all, I posted this in General Chat because it has a precise point of interest that people in the thread should not stray from. Everything in General Chat is technically off topic, so maybe we should just move everything there. Second of all, I know that I wouldn't be offered staff if I wasn't on the forums regularly. I pretty much stated that in the OP. And, you can't really tell me how I would react if I was offered staff. Just because other people accepted doesn't mean I'm just like them, I have a brain of my own.
There is a point of discussion, but it isn't quite a discussion to be had. It begs for "Staff r teh corruptz!" posts, and stuff like that, and it isn't logical in any way. You aren't offered staff unless you are already a member of the Hub Pub (Loyal, Premium, Respected), and you aren't offered a position in the Hub Pub, you are given it. Now, after you get it you can then ask for it to be removed, but once you are in the Pub (especially new to it) you really don't ever leave. Now, you aren't offered staff, and they don't necessarily give it to you. It is a mutual acknowledgment between you and the staff, that you want it and they want to give it to you. If you say "I don't want staff" well then you'll never get it. My point is, you can say I wouldn't take it, and by saying such you can never know for certain whether or not you will live up to your word because you'll never get the chance. You'll never get a chance since you already do not show interest. You don't show interest for many reasons, but natural human psycology points to people automatically wanting what they cannot have. You cannot have staff, but you want staff, but if you show you want it then you know it will forever be dangled above your head like a bone, so you pretend you don't want it. Most people here want staff. Most people here will never get staff. Very few people will turn down the offer. Why is this? Because the perks to being staff are great. For those who say "I don't want staff" I bet if offered right now the chance to get staff, would accept. At least 80% of them. Hell, it would be a funny experiment to get staff to promote people here who say they do not want it, and then see if they will live up to their word and message an Admin asking for their new rank to be stripped. If they ask for their rank to be stripped, they proved their point and loose their rank. If they keep it they loose it anyway.
I've caused too much **** on this forum to even be considered for loyal, premium, or respected. I kind of enjoyed being that little **** disturber... Not to say I wouldn't take it if it was given to me. But the odds of me getting it are astronomical. So basically I'm content with being a normal member.
Well I'm not trying to be part of it but if I was offered a position I would say yes. I think I've bin here longer than some of the staff but I don't mind, I only play with like 3-5 FH members, probably should go to TGIF more.
THE WORD IS YES NOT YA. YOU HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID YES. Yes I would take it so I get respected instantly.
I really don't see how people think they have a better chance of receiving a staff position by saying they would reject it, but I can imagine it could happen. But, I hope you would believe me when I say I would reject it, because I truly and honestly believe I would. You are right when you say I will truly never know unless it were offered, but I would appreciate it if you would at least consider that I am genuine. And, imo, the perks that come with staff aren't as glamorous as they seem. I: -Become coworkers (in a sense) with some people that I have little interest in socializing with(for the most part) -Have to log on to the site frequently to carry out my job of moderating the forums -Can no longer go around posting whatever I want, I really have to watch what I say -And I get access to another section of the forum where I can converse with the people with which I have little interest in(Again, for the most part) Keep in mind that when I say staff, I mean moderators/admins. Loyals and Premiums (as far as I know) don't have much responsibility.
I would take that **** in a heartbeat. Not sure how good I would be, but I would try my hardest. I'm a regular. Don't play with alot of people but I try to. But I don't see getting the position offered to me because there're are alot of other more qualified people.
I would because i go on here semi frequently, but most of the time i don't post, but i don't like the symbol of the needlers, they make me think that i am a noob ) but i would accept right away, and i know that i most likely won't get offered a positiion.