Welcome to THE_MAKER. This Puzzle map requires that you think within the box (The box is there for a reason). Normally the first idea that pops into your head is probably the best idea. The trick is finding out how to get it to work. This map contains alot of foundry in it, I've used as much as I could and with the cleanest manner that I could perform. There are in all, up to around 8 or 9 rooms depending on how you view it and each room should make you fail atleast once (In many cases my test subects failed and failed without prevailing although it 100% works if you do everything right). None of my subjects could complete OR break this map, maybe you can? Link to map THE_MAKER v.2 Link to Gametype MEET_YOURS -The first five persons to complete this map- (Thank you merrifield for idea)1.Spartan7371 -1 day after map post. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do not reply to this thread with a message when you complete the map. Instead follow the rules and no one will get hurt. RULES You must use the current version of map. (v.2) You must use my gametype : Meet_Yours. You must complete it by yourself. You must state how long it has taken you. You may use a friend to help you figure it out BUT you must complete the map by yourself (No on else in the game) if you wish to be on the list. -If this is not clear then please ask Upon completing it and wishing to be added to the list, you will provide a private message to me whether on Forgehub, or an ingame message. Both should link to a video of you completing it. Now on to some pics... If you find yourself in this room you may have done something wrong, also note that it may or may not mean that you failed. By far this has been the hardest room for anyone yet. So hard that it gets three pictures Here it is again Extra info- Spoiler (Notice that I am observing how my subjects react to each room, You may have noticed this in the first pic. However in no way did I help them, and this particular subject was so frustrated that he quit, so in the rest it should be me.) Ok Mr. Maker of the map, what do I do now? So there it is, my first masterpiece of a puzzle. Obviously there is more to it that I will not show here. Change log V.2 - Fixed spot where a ghost jump was possible - readjusted map accordingly and fixed some spawns. Please download, comment, and try to beat.
you dont have a link to download the map and gametype, you need one or else obviosly nobody will download it. this does look challenging, i dont know if i could do it, get those links up and ill try it, 5/5
WOW I can't believe that i did that. my bad thank you for being polite. I was kinda caught up in the moment.
=) Wow, looks very hard. I'm gonna download this and give it a try. From the pictures this map looks really confusing. Especially the stairs part. I'm gonna try to be the first one to solve it! 5/5
I made it after 4th try (stupid mongoose thing). 5 minutes, spend 2.30 trying to get the warthog up there. This was annoying. All in all it was ok, but those shield door jumps were boring / mostly luck. Try to avoid that.
I'll admit I really didnt want to use them again but I was out of objects and ideas that are so over played (grav lifts). The mongoose part isn't about luck. EDIT- SPARTAN7371 You may think that you have beaten my map but you have not. I'm not sure how you can crouch as fast as a rapid fire controller shoots single shot guns, but it somehow makes you fly where you cannot possible jump to. Prove to me that you can redo this action and I will fix the map, otherwise figure out another way to beat my puzzle. Congratulations SPARTAN7371 on being the first to complete this map.
For anyone who has taken up the challenge of completing this map I provide for you now the second version of THE_MAKER. Please download the newest version of the map if you intend on being added to the list.
im doing the map right now and the part with the turret is accually pretty hsrd i cant get up to it any hints???
There is only one way to do it (as of v.2), and I'm not sure of anyway that I could put it that won't give away the answer but I will try. There are more than six actions to this room that you need to perform. I'm just going to edit this and qoute from below this post because I do not like bumping my own map posts (since I am an honest person) Merriefield I appreciate your enthusiasm for my map and I'm sorry that it killed your xbox probably from awsomeness.
Like as soon as i download this map my xbox breaks, now i can't play it ='( Anyway I would love to see all the other parts of the puzzle its just that i played like the first three rooms and my xbox completly gets owned by the one red ring. I'm still going to rate 5/5 on the first three rooms i played. Super good map. Merrifield69 + Puzzle Map = WIN WIN WIN Merrifield69 + Puzzle Map + Xbox Breaks = LOSE LOSE LOSE
Well so far I only see potential in merrifield as he has pretty much described most of what you need to complete the map to me in a private chat but he is just stuck on actually doing it. Please, if you do beat this map, please let me know and follow the procedure. This is not the most challenging map but it does require some thought and atleast enough to stump quite a few people. I still beat it 100% of the time I try it whenever I dig it out.