
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Flair iz NasTy, Mar 5, 2009.


What do you think of this map:

  1. Extremely Smooth And Well Forged!

    18 vote(s)
  2. Looks Alright, But Could Be Better

    4 vote(s)
  3. Nothing Cool About It, And Is Very Badly Forged

    0 vote(s)
  4. It Sucks. Sandbox or GTFO.

    3 vote(s)
  1. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:Valkryie

    Description: The Ultimate BT map including incredibly smooth interlocking, revoloutionary turn and completely cheatproof. Created by iTz Flair and assisted by AnF Ryan.

    Recomended Players: 8-16

    Recomended Gametypes: Battle Lasers, Battle Tracks, Battle BRs, Battle Snipes

    Construction Time: 13 hours


    Starting Spawn:

    First Turn/Mini Bridge Ramp:

    Incredibly Smooth Banked Turn:

    Steep Wall Turn:

    Double Wall Drop:

    Fast Paced Fence Wall Turn:

    chest hair proof VIP point:(lol)

    Shield Door Turn: (with a flower in the center!)

    Halo 3 File Details
  2. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, way to tell me what you think about the map. Nice constructive criticism, next time don't post something like that, that could easilly be reported as spam post. Names dont need to be creative for you to be calling someone dumb, think before you type next time. I didn't post this on forgehub to be lectured on the name of my racetrack.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well. the name of ur racetrack should give us an idea of what the map is, for instance, mlg sandbox v1, i kno its on sandbox and is an mlg based map. i look at valkyrie, and ask myself, did someone recreate tom cruise in forge? at least i didn't say nice interlox 5/5! owait 4.999/5 uze misinterloxed door lulz.
  4. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    ladies, play nice now.
    The map looks pretty good , nice interlox. he's right aboot the name, but seriously, its not that big of a deal.

    but JASONYO, way to be an ass on the first post.

    nice detail, excellent flow. Perfect merging.
    i wonder what would happen if race track makers tried competitive maps??? merging would be off the hook.
  5. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not going to argue over this over the internet but honestly, no one even says that anymore. Pretty much everyone in the forgehub community will tell their dislikes and likes about the map and even sudgestions. Obviously, Valkyrie wasen't meant in the Tom Cruise way, and you should know that it's a bit obvious. It's just a video game no use criticising someone about the name of their map, which I thought actually sounded pretty cool. Don't reply back, please dont' argue over a mere name.
  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Wow, definitely one of the shittiest posts I've ever seen from a senior member, and it was the first post too! It's Fair has total reason to be mad at you.

    The name of the map doesn't effect the gameplay what-so-ever, unless inappropriate. It's not like we all should organize our maps into short descriptions, do you name your maps 'cool center structure' or 'unbalanced zombies with splazers'. It's Fair, don't worry, your name is perfectly fine and i feel sorry that your first post on your great track was so terribly pointless.

    On to the map, it looks great to say one thing. Everything about it looks huge and exciting. I really like the huge almost-wallrides, i've tried those and there great. The finish line is tilted and seems like it could make the geese roll, if this were the case, i suggest fixing it, but don't change the circle pillar, that looks cool. I gotta say, this does bear similarity to singularity, at the ground level, everything looks similar, but you really amped up everything else, which is cool. Nice job on Valkyrie, you should be proud of yourself!
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Flair, it looks like you've really outdone yourself this time. I've been a long-term fan of your racetracks and as a constant Battle Tracks racer, I've got to give it to you on this one. Every wall and box looks perfectly placed. That opening double-wide banked turn is incredible; I wouldn't be able to do that! :) I'll look forward to your Mythic racetracks, especially in the Sky Bubble.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yup. thats half the comments i see lately. "merging would be off the hook"

    i have nothing against the map, its not too hard on the eyes at all, its just a pet peeve of mine when people name their maps ridiculous names. its like they went through the dictionary with their eyes closed and put their finger on a word and said "hai, wut a great word that i dont kno anything about"

    dj even said interlox

    sry this had to b on ur map (my explosion) its just ive seen so many and its tiring
  9. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    JASONYO: The reason that we say "great interlocking on the banked turn" is to congratulate the map maker on a job well done. When you post on someone's map, that means you should download it and pull up a game on it to review. Then, you come back to the thread and post your review, criticizing the flaws to help the forger.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the only people whose maps ive actually seen full reviews on r usually really well known members. there r over 14,000 members here with less than 10 posts. posting quality has gone to leaving a map with a post that has 3 components: a comment about wonderful interlocking (or about needed improvement) a comment about wonderful merging (or about needed improvement) and finally, a rating of 1-5/5 based on pictures usually without a clear understanding of how the map even plays because it is based on only the pictures

    and i agree, he does have some great interlocking skills, but most people post their maps to be helped on making a version two. personally, i wouldn't post a map if it didn't have great interloxzors, there would b no point because it wouldn't b up to the standards of featured maps at forgehub

    wut have i been saying this entire time

    a few more examples to prove my point of forgehub's ever deteriorating posting skillz. by the way. this is all from 1 map thread

  11. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    So because they do spam posts and don't post properly means you should do it as well? No, you shoulden't and especially don't word it rudely like you did before. Way to make someone feel about the name of their map...
  12. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Ok, first off this map is good..Great actually, I normally don't like Racetracks(Em El Gee Player), but this is smooth and nice..Good work.


    And to the guy complaining about words..I find it ironic how you say "people who don't know anything about the words" yet you refuse to spell "you" or "I don't know"..Simple, Sweet irony.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, I apologize. I didn't know I was in an english class. I know what I don't know means, and I know what idk means. My point is some people choose some pretty random words. I believe there was no ironic humor in my quotation.
  14. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all....

    I.E. (If you dont want to be postive, go and be negative where you don't affect others!)

    Dude, flair nice map, sorry for the tangent haha, i watched lost today, so cool, lots of tangents lol

  15. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Hi flair lol. This is one of the best racetracks that I have seen in a long while... It's interlocking is awesome and it looks like you will be able to keep a high speed throughout the whole track. I'm DLing and i'll test it after school today and then I will rate it =)
  16. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    It is a very nice racetrack, not much into them since I prefer MLG things, but you had very nice inter locking, and it ran really smooth, I did not wreck once so that's a plus to me. Great Job, I want to see a great racing map when you get sandbox! :p
    4/5 Good Work.
  17. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Nice I really like the geomerging and iterlocking. Amazingly smooth and great. The banked turns make it so fun. I like the way it goes up and down. It is overall really fun 5/5
  18. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    It looks like a great map, but I don't see any funs parts. Sure, there are banked turns and curves, but no twist?

  19. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is plainly opinion. A twist isn't neccecarily fun in a racetrack. I know what you mean, no elevator or no really steep ramp or anything but thats because those are usually independable, and can ruin the gameplay of the racetrack. You shoulden't be saying theres no fun parts, because the whole track itself is fun to race on.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its cuz he's never downloaded it yet he gives it a rating

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