I was walking through a Ghost Town when...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Orangeremi, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    ...I suddenly saw an Assembly of Elites. I quickly ran through the Narrows until I saw a Cold Storage. I ducked inside and started to Construct a plan that would get me out of this Rat's Nest. I started trying to come up with a plan that would let me get past the Guardian. I decided to reach into my Sandbox of escape Plans and couldn't think of anything. While looking at the Snowbound mountains I decided that it would be best if I took the High Ground and ran away.

    As I left the Cold Storage I was hit by a cloud of gas and started to Blackout. Before I lost full awareness I could hear one of the Elites mutter, "Take him to The Pit."

    As soon as I came to I took a look at my surroundings and realized that there was a Sandtrap to the left of me. I looked up at my captor and asked, "What do you want of me?"

    He asked me what I knew about the Foundry of the UNSC. I lied and told him, "The UNSC was used as a Last Resort for the Isolation of those deemed to have commited Treason to Earth's Forces"

    He looked at me and said that he didn't believe me. Finding myself in a Standoff I realized that I would need to come up with an Avalanche of info in order to hold off my death. I looked to my right at the nearest Orbital Sattelite and remembered an Epitaph that I had read as a Recruit, "When confronted with Death a true Soldier looks him in the face and asks him for the direction to the nearest Sandbox to play in."

    I looked the Elite in the eyes and told him to shove it where it don't shine. As he pulled out his Energy Sword I looked up and readied myself for the entry into Valhalla.

    See if you can come up with your own story that uses the names of all the maps of Halo 3.
    (Yes, I know my story sucks, that's what I am asking you to come up with a better one then me. This only took me about 20 minutes from conception to posting. If you think about it a little harder then you think about most things then I am pretty sure you can come up with something better then what I came up with.

    For those that need a list of all the Maps:

    Cold Storage
    Ghost Town
    High Ground
    Last Resort
    Rat's Nest
    The Pit

    Found on B.net Forums
    #1 Orangeremi, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I might attempt it tomorrow.
    Who knows.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I see what you did thar!!

    Srsly, tho. that was a really good story, and i dont think i can come up with one better.
  4. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Heres my attempt

    I went to my friends house, we played some halo... we did some team slayer on
    Cold Storage,
    Ghost Town,
    High Ground,
    Last Resort,
    Rat's Nest,
    Stand Off,
    The Pit,
    It was fun.

    Did I win?
  5. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Uhh... no because your friend doesn't have the Mythic Maps so you're lying!1!!!11!!!!

    #5 Orangeremi, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  6. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    How do you know that none of them are my friends?
    I could be friends with any of them.
    Who doesn't want to be friends with the wigs?
  7. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    I was walking along the Assembly line and saw The Pit underneath, one slight misstep and i would be a goner! I continued until i came across a mechanical Foundry, it was pouring the boiling-hot, liquid metal into casings. As i watched this peculiar sight i was thrust forwards by the Guardians of this Construct. they continued to push me closer to the edge. It was a Standoff, and my opponent had the upper hand, he was stronger, smarter and... Invisible!
    I backed off, getting ever so closer to the edge, but this was my plan. Suddenly, an Avalanche of hot, steaming metal fell over my foe, rendering him paralyzed and visible. This was my chance, this was where the Stand Off would be over, and i would walk away with my life!
    The Rat's Nest of metal constructions lay all around me, a maze of death, one slightly wrong step and it would be all over. As the fumes of the machines began to rise, my vision blurred and i begun to Blackout, but i continued through the metal junk, dodging the debris left over from the constant hammering of metal on metal. I now ran through the Narrows of this construction sight, heading to the High Ground, this was my Last Resort, if i couldn't find my way out up high, then it would be useless to head into the toxic fumes.
    I leapt over machinery, and rolled under pounders, crushing anything that went through at the wrong moment. I studied my surroundings and found the exit, a small opening made by a big chunk of debris. I moved all the pieces out of the tunnel and began to crawl my way to the light. I fell out of the opening and landed on soft ground, but to my demise... i was in a Ghost Town. The buildings rotted and crumbled as the trees and undergrowth overlapped them. The ground ruff and hard, undisturbed for centuries. This place was not of the future in which we live in, it was old and dirtied, from the centuries of uselessness. It was fruitful and lively, a forgotten Valhalla. But i was wrong to judge this tattered book by it's cover. It was hiding a dark and twisted secret, the truth to it's demise!
    An ancient demon, lay dormant, waiting for the victims, waiting for the discoverers of this poor misfortunate soul. It lay in Isolation, in a frozen prison, in a Cold Storage below the surface of this Snowbound town. And it attacked! It all happened so fast. Everything was a blur! It's teeth pulled forward from it's mouth. It sunk them in my neck and began to extract blood from me. I smashed it over the head with the but of my gun and began to fire into it's skull, the flesh tearing and shredding, flying all over the place as this creatures life was whisked away. I was naive to have thought the battle was over, that i had won and could leave this place. I. WAS. WRONG.

    Jake Harper had left his suit of armor at home, he knew he wouldn't need it today. It was hard to say exactly how he knew, i guess he just had a hunch.
    He left his designated building and walked across the dunes of this Sandbox full of ancient architecture. The weather man had reported a sand storm coming there way, but he had been reporting that for 3 days now. The remaining survivors of the crash between the covenant phantom and the UNSC Air Transport vehicle all resided in the ruins of the Forerunners, Elite and Human alike, they all were living together now, and they had to learn to get along. Jake let the sweat run down his forehead to his lips, waiting for it to drop to the sand and sizzle like it always did. They were safe here, the place had a self defense mechanism, it had high explosives buried beneath the surface of the sand surrounding the buildings. Nothing could get in... or out. This is the reason behind naming it Sandtrap!
    Jake had asked his friend Hamza to join him at the structures perimeter. Jake had a plan, one to get everyone off this deserted hell hole!
    Hamza had brought along his suit of armor and all the equipment they needed. Jake was the brains in this coupling, and Hamza was the brawn. Jake grabbed the fusion coil and pulled off the metal layer over the explosives, this was what controlled the explosion and the energy of the raw-powered fusion. He used the wiring from the radar jammer to make sure that if anything that was caught within the radius would make the fusion coil explode. He then re rigged the wiring to join to the perimeters defense mainframe. Anything that triggered the structures defense system would automatically destroy the mainframe, rendering the explosives underneath the ground useless.
    Jake gave Hamza the thumbs up, Hamza then proceeded over the invisible line that set off the explosives. Taking a deep breath, he sprinted out over the sand dunes, flinging sand backwards with every movement of his feet. That's when everything went wrong. Jake had already got the Ship up and running, and had gotten everyone on board before he met Hamza, they were to take off as soon as the defense system was offline.
    Hamza was now half a kilometer out, the Orbital guidance system had locked on, and a gigantic wave of explosives rose and threatened to crush Hamza. It happened so slowly, Jake had given the pilot on board the craft to start the engines and take off. Hamza had stopped, forgetting the last step... NEVER. STOP. RUNNING!

    but he did.

    Now the survivors sing of the brave people who risked their lives to save them from this place. Now they sit in waiting, in their little place called Sandtrap, singing the Epitaph of Hamza.

    And i'm not letting them go.

    EDIT: Do i win? :)
  8. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    what exactly did you win orange(blob)????

    and btw i liked the story where the kids played the mythic maps at his friends house better xD

    im pretty sure that an assembly of elites didnt take you away, so would that mean YOUR lieing orange?

    p.s. i like stories i can actually read at 3am xD
  9. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    So, what your saying is that, you like stories created for 3 year olds... so i have an understanding that you have no brain? okay... just checking ;)

    (if you didn't get that, it was a *wink wink* smily... you do know what wink wink means right?)
    #9 OrangE BloB, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Lol. THese are pretty good. I would have to say that I like wiggums's version best :)
  11. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    lol, just joking... i've always wanted to do that! -_-?
  12. Saint E1m0

    Saint E1m0 Ancient
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  13. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Yeh, it's depressing -_- <---- i can't get over this thing
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I really, really cannot be arsed to take the time to post one of these, sorry. But I congratulate you for posting yours, guys!
  15. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    OrangE BloB's was really good. He wins.
  16. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Really? yay :) i'm happy now. I put some effort into it, but now i look back, i could have made it better, but i've decide to make it into a machinima! The first one would be epic as a helmet cam! Like he takes the camera off, it's sorta demented and the screens kinda blurry and destroyed, he looks around and says "I. WAS WRONG!" then...

    The second one was more of a book setting to it. but i like the ending, ...and i won't let them go.

    this suggests that there was some form of A.I. controlling the structure and it's mainframe.


  17. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Mai Stoory

    Log# 6247276883 - The Chase of the Pillar - Hasgaar Yessann (haz-gar yes-ann) - Elite Commander

    We were in an Orbital battle with the UNSC. They were basically listening to their own Epitaph's. They made a blind jump into blackout space. It was a ship called the Pillar of Autmn.
    This planet they were approaching was a Sandtrap, a desert of doom. It was a complete Isolation from the rest of the galaxy.We made jokes like "They must think they've found Valhalla! Only gods could help them now!" or "They're in a Sandbox of death".
    They're hope of survival was being thrown into The Pit of Heretic death.
    My squad will be transported into the Autumn's Foundry. It woll probably be a prolonged Standoff in the Narrows of their primitive Construct. Our Assembly of weapons has already been prepared, we leave in the morning. May the gods be with us.

    Log# 6247276884 - Post Invasion - Hasgaar Yessann (haz-gar yes-ann) - Elite Commander

    Well, we returned back alive! The gods have shone their holy light upon us!
    When we entered the ship, it was like a Ghost town for about ten minutes. One of the grunts set off an alarm, then it was like an avalanche of bullets and plasma. I still can remember that smell of burning flesh. Luckily, we had the High Ground.
    I had the grunt technologist hack their system, the thing that made us want to retreat was that he found out there was a "spartan", as the humans called them, in the Cold Storage. After the human warriors entered the sector they sealed it off and placed a Guardian at each exit as a Last Resort. The battle lasted hours and nearing the end it felt like we were in a Rat's Nest. There were bodies and filth all over!
    After we esacaped the ship and filed my report, the Autmn made another blind jump, this time to a frozen planet, unsuitable for life. We started the jokes again, this time, saying they were "Snowbound".

    Log# 6247276885 - Status Report -Hasgaar Yessann (haz-gar yes-ann) - Elite Commander

    K.I.A. By: The Demon/Spartan 117 on HALO Installation 04 - May we meet him at the end of the Great Journey! Rest In Peace.
  18. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i dunno if either Er1C0 or stickmanmayhem wins.
    maybe they tie? lulz
  19. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol, thanks! mine was kinda like Halo Wars, It was a prequel to the Halo events

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