STRIKEOUT! Here is my first map Strikeout on Sandbox and my first map on these forums, and there will be many more to come! Strikeout is a symettrical map built in the sky bubble area on Sandbox. It is a medium sized map which has two floors, the lower being the most frequently used as it makes up a lot of the map. It features two bases, and a center area surrounded by a 'Tube' which you will see in the following pictures! Red Base View Blue Base View Overview of Strikeout View Over the Oversheild Spawn The 'Tube' entrance at Blue side Another Overview, this time angled. Action Shots! Race to the Overshield! Stick at Rocket Spawn which leads to... The Double kill! Shooting Through a Slit Wall at Blue Base. Action at the Snipetube! This map has played well in testing with a 2 v 2 but I suggest a 4 v 4 to push this map to the limit. This map at the moment has only been set up for Team Slayer, I used a OLN canvas to keep the max limit, and it's getting tedious dragging all the spawns, objectives ect across. Download Strikeout here! Halo 3 File Details Version 2 will be up here this weekend. My xbox died so im using my freinds. Hopefully V2 was already put on my fileshare but pics will be given friday/saturday!
Holy...This looks mindblowingly epic. Great job. I should try and finish mine.... But yours is gonna outdo mine anyway. Great job! I lvoe the layout and the aesthetics are amazing. Great job. 5/5.
Thanks man, if you need any tips just ask! Im off to bed its 2:00am. Please do post, I will read them ASAP!
It's okay but i will try it but can it play with team doubles i hope so because it seems that way from your pics 4/5
Okay, I dont have Sandbox, but a friend of mine here in odessa does thanks to Halo wars. So I have played some of these maps. This one is by far the best one I have seen (thats posted). Most seem like they were thrown together so fast so they could show off the fact that they have the maps. Since this one is only setup for Slayer, I think you had enough time to test it for that. Now I dont know the gameplay cuz I will have to get my friend to DL this so I can play it. You could help by adding a weapon list with respawn rates and clip amounts. As far as it looks, that tunnel seems awfully long which could be bad but Ill see. I must check this out.
This has an excellent mixture of close and short range combat. The aesthetics look great, and I am loving the tunnels. Great job. I think though you should try to get the map to be compatable with all gametypes so it is played in more situations.
Looks cool. I won't judge from the pictures, but I doesn't look 100% perfect. Next time I get on my Box I'll try it out.
WOW! this map looks really cool. I do like how you used the gray light towers reversed, it adds a cool effect. Also I noticed the hallways mad with tubes, I would Imagine them becoming full of grenades though. Is there any cover in that really long hallway? I would have left a few tube segments out, and replaced them with walls, and wall slits. Overall I give it a 4.7\5
man, this looks epic, one of the bestmaps iv seen yet in the skybubble, good forging, cant tell the left from the right. will dl 5/5
Jesus. I'm not even going to get to Forge on sandbox for a week after I get it, cuz of all the awesome maps coming out.
Ok, Im going to try and answer everything in one post. This map supports Team Slayer, not FFA so far, this is because i used the OLN prep canvas which means you have to drag everything you need across the sky bubble. I will do this for CTF when possible. The longer tube does not have any cover, and it was only used 3-4 times in a 2 v 2 to 50 kills. I will update it if necessary. I will make a weapon list with spawn rates and ammo when I can get on my box. Thank you all for the REALLY AMAZING comments, and I thank you al for DLing!
This map needs some tweaking. First of all, if your finished with all of your geometry (and I'd recommend adding a bend in the middle of your tube to add some natural cover there. As it stands is just too long of a straight line with nowhere to go.), delete all that extraneous crap that's off to the side. Spawning away from the map when doing a forgethrough was highly irritating. I'd recommend using more spawn points and putting them in different spots other than right at the edge of the map. If you happen to spawn next to a teammate that's in a firefight, backing up to get away from it would be immediate death. Your spawn points don't need to be so close together that they're touching, either. Take a look a some of the default Bungie maps and take some placement tips from them. The layout's okay, but there seems to be a lot of jumping involved to get to certain key spots. Halo 3 is a very vertical game, but again none of the default maps have a lot of necessary jumping to get to important positions. Jumps should have a tactical use, and shouldn't be mandatory. Seems like one of the better quick-to-put-out Sandbox maps, but for me to want to do more than a simple forgethrough I'd have to say that it needs some more work. Good luck.
Any type of criticism is always welcome! You only ever spawn on the items at the side during forge, in game you will NEVER spawn there, that is why the map has only been set up for Team Slayer. This is not a quick to get out there map either, I spent a good 10 hours on this map, creating the basic idea and planning it out, then trying to make it as symettrical as possible. No I never used interlocking often because it wasn't necessary, I used it in places. The spawns worked amazingly well (considering the spawns in my past maps) in a 2v2 game and the action was consistent but not insta-death the moment you spawned. The reason I have kept the items at the side was so I could use them if a V2 and so on was needed. Why use interlocking when it isn't necessary? And thanks for the feedback. If you play it in an actual game and find any problems please tell me those as well.
it still could use some interlocking in certain places just to clean it up. played some 1v1 on this last night with a friend. i had a good time, and i enjoyed the layout. its not horrible. i really think its a problem to be putting the OVershield right next to the Turret though, that **** was pissing my friend off a lot last night... good work, just needs a bit of balance and tweaking.
Ah yes, this problem arose in CTF testing, a guy kept grabbing OS and hopping on the turret, I may move OS on to the pipe or delete the turret. Suggestions anyone?
This looks amazing. The kind of map that all the players would squeal for when it comes up in matchmaking. Just looking at the first two pictures I can see how wonderful it can turn out with gameplay.
Im afraid it would ahve to have some more alterations to be in MM, this weekend I hope to put up Strikeout V2, which has cover in the middle tunnel, more gametypes, oversheild moved and hopefully ill submit that to ATLAS.