Download GALLOX Here: Halo 3 File Details Map Name:Gallox Best played with: Team Slayer and Multi Flag CTF Player Count: 8-12 When Making Gallox I had a ton of differnt maps in mind. One of the main maps that influenced the design was Beaver Creek/Battle Creek. I wanted to make sure the map was styled as a two base map with one main line of symmetry. The main original idea was to make a make a make with a gap much like Boarding Action from Halo:CE but for the gap to be jumpable. After building the Banshee pad I wanted to give both Banshee and regular Spartan a good chance to survive and make it so one doesn't have a major advantage over another. So what I did to preserve the Banshees life is added 2 towers ten grid squares away from the map on both sides. This is where a Valhalla influence comes in. Missile Pod + Banshee = Beep Beep Beep Beep Death? Not with the Towers. In Valhalla when I hear the pod and I'm in a Banshee the first place I go is behind the towers. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. So I wanted to add that to my map. Also the spartans can easily kill the Banshees as their are 2 missile pods on the map (one on each side) and a laser in the middle on one of the two sides. The other sidehas Sniper. I have this map set up for all gametypes but territories is screwed up. It wouldn't let me place starting points so the first time you spawn you fall to your death(Just Territories as far as I know). Assault and CTF are both set up the same bomb/flag plant points and spawns are on top of both bases (no neutral flag/assault). King of the Hill is set up to have 3 hills. One on each base and one in the middle that is half on one side half on the other. Weapon/Equipment/Vehicle list: (from what I can remember) 12 plasma grenades (6 OES) 8 Battle Rifles (4 OES) 2 Carbines (1 OES) 2 Banshees (1 OES) 2 Bubbles Shields (1 OES) 2 Active Camo (1 OES) 1 Spartan Laser (ITM) 4 Magnums (2 OES) 8 Frags (4 OES) 1 Sniper Rifle (ITM) 2 Brute Shots (1 OES) 2 Missile Pods (1 OES) OES = On Each Side ITM = In The Middle I spent a long time on this map to make it work out pretty good. I hope you all see this and want to download it. This is by far one of my favorite maps so I hope all my hard labor pays off and you all enjoy this map as muchas I enjoyed creating it! Overhead Back of Base Front of Base Side View Hiding Banshee
WOW (is all i would say if I wouldnt get in touble for spam lol) this is something really special. for sure for sure when I get my Live back this is on my lists of maps to DL. lml_ _lml
oh mah lawdy! This is the first map ive seen that has a gap in the middle like that. Can you jump across it? This is a definite DL for me it for some reason reminds me of the underground map on halo 2 that had the two banshees. I believe it was called waterworks or something along those lines. Does it remind anyone else of that? Anyways great job 5/5
Thanks for the good feedback! and yes the gap is very much jumpable. Even if you're not a "super leet jumper."
First: awesome aesthetics. But I think there too little cover for 8 br's, 2 Banshees, 2 turrets, 1 Sniper and 2 Missile pods. Also, I would add a few ledges to prevent unsatisfying suicides (use arches or large columns). Sorry for the criticism, I just want to help you. Great map nonetheless: 4.2/5. Keep forging, you sure have the skill!
your map looks good, but I have one question. It's not just you, but many people aren't interlocking on the sandbox map. Why is that? Can you interlock or do you not have to. Any ways, I like the two base facing each other, this will amount to very fast pase "duck and shoot" kind of games. Also the gap in the middle eliminates the urge to rush. The can flank, but are very exposed. 4/5
How much testing did you do with this map? It looks swell, but it really doesn't seem like you'd have been able to test out all the major bugs (and you didn't, judging by the territories starts) in enough time to have published this two days ago. I don't mean to harp on just your map, but there seems to be way too many sandbox maps out already. All of the Premiums that have had the maps for almost two weeks haven't even released theirs, and that should really tell you something.
DAMN! that is good! BTW i like the distinct feel of red and blue bases and how you managed to light them both very well. I think you should put vsmall barriers around the perimeter (not the center gap) so people won't fall. Also I'd recommend deleting the missles as 1 splaser only would mean that the teams would have to focus more on the laser. also try fixing territories. 4/5
People don't interlock much on sandbox because unlike foundry where each immovable object has a small area around it like an invisible barrier to stop objects getting too close to it, sandbox objects like stone blocks go together completeley with no gap. also the edges of sandbox's walls and blocks are perfectly square so they don't create a big gap that traps grenades and sends you flying when you walk across it. Anyway, great map, i love the bases and the towers at the sides, but would it not be possible to grab a banshee and a sniper and fly to the top of the side towers and camp there?
Amazing. You really used all of the important objects and all of the space in the skybubble. Not really an original idea but still fun and great gameplay. Overall I really like it and no flaws. 5/5
All of the Sandbox maps I've seen so far are so impressive, it's not funny. I can't believe I still haven't finished my map. Oh well, yours is cool. 9/10. Great job.
Not enough people have the maps to do major testing. I have maybe 6-10 people on my friends list that have the maps. I knew the territories start was bugged before I even finished the map. And I don't know how to get it to work. It won't let me place any more starting points for some strange reason. BTW I have had the maps for at least a week now in case you were wondering. Also to the person who asked about grabbing the Sniper and camping on top of a tower. Yes you can but when you run out of ammo you only have one choice. Which is jump to your death.
what would be cool is if you had put the entire map like 3 double boxes higher than the death barrier so the banshees could fly underneath.. unfortunately that would mean you would have to rebuild the map 3 lvls higher.. anyways 4/5 great job, but too many sandbox maps are out..
Very nice map, I can see that you have thought out a basic plan of what goes where, but I do think that the banshee is going to dominate a lot of the map, maybe a Hornet would be better. I will download and test tomorrow as I need some sleep. Watch this space for more.
qft... Though this map's basic layout looks awesome, there are some obvious gameplay issues to be had. Working those out prior to release is a must, imo. (Don't get me wrong, the Project Series had it's major issues we never ended up fixing)
Dude, I should talk trash for the lack of correct gametype spawns or the fact that nothing is merged, or just the fact that your trying to make a floated map as good as I do... I admit that sandbox makes it easer to make those sweet looks, but I am the master of floating maps and I'll say right now that all you need to do is stop rushing all these maps and start perfecting this one. I checked your file share and saw that you already have 3 sandbox maps, dude, Sandbox is not going anywhere. Al ltogether I would like it if you merged all the bumps, but obvioiusly I'm responding because its my favorite thus far on sandbox, just fix it up and make a v2. All the best: CORRUPTION.
I appreciate that everyone likes the basic layout/idea of this map but don't get me wrong I see VERY slight gameplay issues on this map. I probably worked on it for a good 9-12 hours. Keep in mind I'm not a forge pro. And unless someone can tell me how to keep the floor from popping up off the ground on one side after being placed that will never be fixed in any of my maps. If you ****HAVE PLAYED MY MAP**** please answer this question. What is the 2 main things that need fixed on it? I'm not asking in a prick kind of way just so I can improve my forging.
sorry, i didnt get a game going on it, but i did dl and i did a forgethrough. And one piece of advice i can give you is that the banshee seems to have a line of sight to almost any point of the map it it is in the right general area. The missle pods do help to balance this, but a team member could watch one and the banshee watch the other and it would be hard for the other team do anything. i would suggest either building more tall stuctures to block lines of sight or removing flying vehicles. they typically dont work very well in a floating map, but you could probably balance it if you really want to keep the banshee.
Reading what Squiddy and Tex have said mate I definitely recommend a version 2. You're geometry looks fantastic and is at least on par with the maps I've seen from Lights, Cosmic and the others. Just get a little more testing in and fix some of those gameplay bugs and you will have yourself one damn fine map. I'll give it a forge through tonight and see if I can spot the cause of your start point problem.