Well here is a fun map I made yesterday. It's made completely of columns and nothing else. Please enjoy! I suggest KOTH, or just plain Slayer. (All gametypes work) Weapons: 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Needler 1 Brute Shot 1 Shotgun 2 Battle Rifles 2 Plasma Nades 2 Frag Nades This map is quite a lot of fun, so please enjoy. Thanks. DOWNLOAD
Oh man, if you don't have jumping skills you're doomed! I like the idea though! Maybe it'll give people some jumping practice. This would be really fun with less gravity than normal. And snipers! Or gravity hammers too probably. Except is would be impossible to even stay on the pillars i suppose. I bet KOTH hill would be a blast! Nice map and great idea
When I first saw this I was like "Are you serious?" but then when I thought about it some more I saw how fun this could really be. I imagine myself jumping around like a ninja trying to pull off some insane kills without falling to my doom. This map is on my DL list for sure... just as soon as they come out on the Marketplace... lol. Edit: My bad, I just saw the thread that says this is considered spamming since I dont have the maps, sorry wont happen again.
This looks more like a casual map than a competitive map. Seeing as there is no cover and you're probably paying more attention to staying on the pillars than actually killing the other team, this looks very casual. This does look very fun though. Rockets or Snipers seems fun. But this isn't competitive.
Oops...Yea I meant to put it in Casual... Any way this can be moved over there? This is no way a Competitive map. Haha...
ok this should be casual also you should make a gametype for it it looks ok maybe the rockets and hammer further out so its more dangerous to get maybe u could exchange hammer for golf club
Cool idea dude, you could easyily make this into a comeptitive map if you added cover to a larger flat section in the middle, then at least the weapons would be slightly more balanced, my god is it hard to BR while your jumping like a mofo! Great map
LOVE it!!! a original idea, and well done. couldnt have been much better, except maybe bigger with a second level you can jump up to and be above the other pillars. ill dl when i get the maps
Wow! Amazing gameplay and a very fun but simple idea. The only thing is there is no cover. I understand its hard to put cover but its necessary. The weapons make for very fun gameplay. I do like the idea. You really used the skybubble to your advantage. Overall original idea, fun gameplay 5/5
This is kind of off topic, but this map makes me realize something. It makes me realize how many creative, original things can be made with Sandbox. With Foundry, we had some pretty cool and original maps from time to time, but nothing compares with what can be accomplished with Sandbox. I'm personally not a huge fan of really casual maps like this, but I think it's great that people are already coming up with really creative stuff. Good job man. Very cool concept.
Thanks guys for all the feedback. I only added cover for the start of the game inside each base. Once you get out of each base, you're wide open.
Clever idea, though I think you should harness your idea into more of mini game rather just shooting. You can definitely use KOTH hill but I would limit the power of weapons so that players can think more about an objective and not falling; rather than objective, not falling, not dying, shooting. Focus on the hopping