I am looking for a working mythic map code, I don't have much but I can offer 2 bucks threw paypal and a 48hour I doubt anyone will take this offer but that is what I have to offer, I really want to see these maps and forge on sandbox.
Find a friend who got Halo Wars LE and doesn't like Halo? Shell out $80 for Halo Wars LE? Wait a month for the Marketplace? I dunno what to tell you, kid, but I don't think anyone would be so eager to part ways with their Mythic Map Pack. I've got another slightly underhanded idea to try, if you can borrow $80 from someone, but it's not exactly legal and I wouldn't encourage it at all. <_<
If you have 80$, just go buy LE download the maps then re-sell LE at Gamestop or something. You won't get all your money back but you'll get something. Or you could use one the methods Jpec listed. Otherwise your out of luck.
no offense, but this is kind of dumb. no one is going to give you the code they payed 10-15 bucks extra for, to have early, for two bucks, over paypal no less.
i shall offer 2 expired coupons for papa ginos, and 1 card that grants you exactly 1 free backrub from richard simmons. ALL this is worth about -2.46$ in yin. if any1 wants to accept this offer contact me by leaving a call on my pager. But seriously, I doubt anyone here will give it to you for that and not knowing who you are.
lol code is not valid, it might be a good idea to send it in a PM if you're actually giving a code to him. =P
Codes not valid I figured, and seriously why would I spend 80 dollars on a game I don't want thats not the problem its just not fair for us to have to wait.
The Mythic Map pack will probably cost about 800 MS Points once it hits the Marketplace. That's approximately $10 USD. Why would anyone in their right mind give you a map pack that would cost $10 for your $2 and a trial code that's basically worthless?
MYTHI-CMYTH-ICMYT-HICMY-THICM enjoy your map pack! Spoiler J782P-FMJRX-3VT3X-993RM-QJYMW I'll be expecting my 48 hours and $2 tomorrow!
If that was real it was used probably within the first 5 seconds. I could really use a code myself. I do not have the money to buy Halo Wars right now.
Yea, it would be kinda fun if I already had the map pack. The thing is though, I am willing to give people Microsoft points or live time for the codes, I just haven't found anyone yet that has an extra one.