
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Draw the Line, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Updated version fixes small spawn issue and escape problems.

    Bloodshot is a small semi-symmetrical map located in Standoff. The map lies near the edge of a cliff, so players should be wary of where they are standing. The map relies heavily on dual weapons and was my primary focus for the map. There is a Covenant Death Scooter* on one side of the map overhanging the cliff, and a brute shot on the opposite side to counter the ghost. The center structure is where a majority of the action will take place. The lower level of the center base uses shield doors on 3 sides of the base to prevent the Covenant Death Scooter* from being too dominant. At opposite ends of the map are small, but defendable areas. Each one contains 2 spike grenades, 2 SMGs, and a bubble shield. In the direct center of the map is a single Assault Rifle, and will likely be fought over the entire match. Overall the map offers a fun, playable experience that couldn't be accomplished in Foundry.

    Random Reasoning
    I originally built this map because I was tired of the bland colors on foundry. Rats nest had a similar feel to it, so I wanted to avoid forging on it as well. So I was left with Standoff. Now there have been many sky bases, and giant robot maps built on here, so I wanted to attempt something entirely different than what has been previously accomplished. So I sectioned off a small portion of Standoff and made a completely new level.

    The Name Backstory
    The map became known as "Bloodshot" when I was taking a picture of the entire level. The map is shaped like a human eye, and because the ground is a reddish tint, it looked as though the eye was "Bloodshot".

    The details
    Variants supported: Slayer, Capture the Flag, KotH, Assault
    Maximum Players Allowed: Team Matches:4, FFA:6
    Weapon Settings: SMG starts w/ NO starting grenades.



    A player must crouch jump from the ground if they want the brute shot.




    Ooops....careful around that cliff....

    *Covenant Death Scooter = Ghost, Term coined by Furious D 18
  2. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Great idea man.. you never cease to amaze. The map looks really nice, and I love how you just created your own little space within a larger map. I plan on taking my Xbox harddrive over to a friends house after work so I will try to DL it and test it out over there. From what I can see here it feels like it will be reminiscent of slayer games on H2 Elongation, just loads of fun with duals. **thumbs up!**
  3. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Looks good just not my kind of map
  4. Apple

    Apple Ancient
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    Cool map inside a map
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Thanks. I was really trying to change up how my maps were made. All of my previous maps were large and focused on using the BR. I really wanted to shorten that distance and create a smaller more personal level that could still offer that "intense" feel larger maps have.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    This looks really cool. I'm a big fan of your other maps, so I'll check this one out too. What do you recommend? 1v1? 2v2? FFA? Is it set up for CTF and everything, or just Slayer?
  7. Blood Enigma

    Blood Enigma Ancient
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    Who knows, maybe this will be just as great as Furious's :O I belive it will be :p :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: Qued
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    2v2 is was my intention for this map, anymore could cause spawn killing. You can have a 6 player FFA though....its crazy though. I set it up for Assault, Capture the Flag, and KotH. Territories is just a tad too cramped for this map.
  9. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I really like how this is laid out, i'm gonna give it a download.

    Congrats on not making something in Foundry *thumbs up*
  10. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    Looks like an eye. Looks like it plays well. Dling now.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This has got to be one of the coolest screenshots I've seen in a while. Looks like a ringed alien planet. The map looks nice too; I play a lot of FFA with 3 other friends, so this looks like it'll work well.
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Hey Draw, I did a Forge-through last night. I liked the layout. It looks like it'll be fun. I also saw respawn areas, and that always seems to help.

    But there is one pretty major thing you might want to fix. It's possible to escape this map with the brute shot. If you go to the section of the wall that is made up of stacked barriers, you can jump and shoot the brute shot at your feet and it propels you up the wall and over. With the warthogs, BR, and turrets outside the map for aesthetic purposes, a player can easily dominate the dual wielding players through the fence boxes.

    But now I seem to remember a teleporter floating over the barriers, so you may have had a third stack of barriers that don't spawn at start or that I knocked over and didn't realize. When I escaped, the wall was only 2 barriers high.

    Looks like a fun map, and I love the Ghost, but you might want to fix that small durability issue.
  13. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
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    u should check out jurassic park version 3
  14. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    No advertising. I'm only posting here to illustrate to the community that we don't tolerate that. Everyone stay on topic of Draw's incredible map.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm not sure why I didn't stack them 3 high....I had more than enough barriers...I must have assumed 2 was enough....that was clearly a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately I'm xbox-less for a week or so...but maybe I can update it on a friend's system. It's an easy fix.
  16. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    This one looks pretty good. The way you setup the map is quite impressive for a small Standoff map. It sounds like it still needs to be fixed a little so players don't get out, but I'll be sure to download once it's fixed.
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'll download it again when it's finished, but I'll still try to escape. I played a game with NeverlessWonder and some other guys last night and we ended up playing this guy's maze map. It was frustrating to run around so I just grenade jumped out of the maze. He was like, "Furious, get back in the maze" and I was like "never!" and Neverless was like "if your map can be broken, Furious will break it." Ha ha, good times.
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Yeah, usually my brother does the "breaking" of all of my maps before I release them to the public. He has a knack for finding every little potential problem. Unfortunately he's at a soccer tournament in I was unable to use his talent....I guess you're the backup plan, haha
  19. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    it looks great and inventive for a map not on foundry
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The update is finally out. I fixed the wall, and changed some spawn areas that potentially could have spawned players outside the map in a larger team battle.

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