Holy awesome! This is amazing. This is the reason you are now a guilder. Very very creative. I will have tons of fun playing this...
When I saw this map, the first thing that ran through my mind was, "YES!!! New map!!!" Especially since I can trust that you'd only post good maps here.
It...it isnt.....on foundry........I CAN SEE THE LIGHT It is releiving not seeing another foundry map
^It also didn't play well since there was absolutely no cover. It was spawn and die everytime. Anyway, like Rusty said KOTH is a lot of fun. It's almost like a minigame. Slayer's really good too, but I'm gonna be playing it with br starts. It's frustrating running around on the map with just an AR and you can't find the BR's or carbines because they've been taken. Actually, any weapon start almost would be tons of fun on this. I played a rockets that was great, and I imagine snipers or lasers would be a lot of fun as well. Nice job again Furious.
Well I just did a forge-throgh, and the layout provides more cover than I initially thought it would, very nice. I love how the small boxes just scatter, I know that'll provide a lot of fun. The only problem I had with this map is where the bubble shield is located. I know you wanted to give the rocket person some cover, but I think this creates problems. When I jumped on the pallet to get to the rocket launcher, I picked up the mine, and so when I reached the boxes and attempted to pick up the rocket launcher, all I could do is continually swap the bubble shield out for the mine. I would possibly move the bubble shield to the pallet and move the mine to where the sentinel beam is located (maybe?). Or you may want to get rid of it all together. Either way, I could see that being an issue during a heated battle. Amazing map overall though. You're on some kind of streak.
ZOMFG... dude that's freakin crazy how you incorporated that death barrier outside of standoff with this map. I would have never thought of that. You have the craziest stuff dude. Keep it up. =D
Interesting suggestions. I originally had a firebomb grenade on the pallet and the bubble shield up near the sentinel beam. But the firebomb kept rolling off the pallet, and people got killed literally every time they went for rockets. I want to keep the mine near that end of the map so I wouldn't put it near the sentinel beam. I think it functions better toward the lower part of the base. As far as your mine/bubble shield swap problems, don't be so greedy! Just kidding. But you can skip the pallet and jump straight for the rocket boxes. You can even do it without touching the ground if you're good enough at jumping and all the boxes are still there.
You've got 4 seconds. I timed it this morning. I liked what I saw during my forgethrough. I didn't have the problem that Draw the Line had with the equipment swapping, but I may have just gotten lucky. I liked how when I swapped out my AR for rockets, the gun was suspended by the weapon holder. If that was intentional, bravo. If not, pretend it was anyway. I used the portable grav lift to get from the lava ground up to one of the bases, and I was pretty surprised that it stayed working for its full runtime. Normally grav lifts aren't really coveted, but I like the way it works here a lot. The only thing that gave me pause were the respawn areas (big surprise). In the KOTH setting, one of the fence box bases has two of them, one right next to the other. They are both the same size, but one is set for Defenders and the other Attackers. I don't understand that one, but you may be privy to some Super Secret Guilder Information that I don't get in my morning briefings. But overall, this looks pretty cool and I'll play it with you any time. I killed myself at least three times just doing a forgethrough, so I can only imagine how the building of this went.
You beat me to it furious, i've been forging outside of standoff incorperating the death barrier. on sss2 for weeks and thought to myself during the process "nobody's ever done this before! this is so original!" then sarge IM'd me yesterday stating "furious just pwnd your sss map". and i panicked and quickly jumped on the fact that you could get out of your map (without thoroughly reading your post) and i'm sorry about that. Props to you furious for coming up with such an idea which technically is very original, the complicated jumping scheme is brilliant. I had fun on this map just jumping around on it alone.
There are two weapon holders there because with only 1 or 0, whenever someone threw a grenade to blow apart the boxes, the rockets and bubble shield went flying. It was frustrating to try to track them down among the boxes while getting shot at and worrying about the lava. With dual weapon holders, they almost always stay where they are when the grenade explodes. The assault rifle staying there is just an unintended bonus. Wow, you've got very thorough Forge-throughs, don't you? When I tested KotH with no respawn areas, players constantly repsawned on the corner fence boxes beside the carbine location. It was horribly repetitive. Luckily, players were more focused on getting to the hill than spawn killing. The dual respawn areas were meant to force respawning at more points while still being even for both sides. Both teams have exactly the same respawn areas, set at the same respawn order. I haven't tested with the respawn areas, but I decided that they couldn't hurt, and the outcome has to be better than repetitive and predictable spawning at only two respawn points. But I recommended the Mosh Pit default KotH variant, which is a Free For All game. As far as I know, respawn areas seem to have no effect on FFA games, so they wouldn't help anyway. For Mosh Pit, expect predictable respawns. But it's still really fun. It sucked. But that's what I go through in my quest to deliver the best maps for the community. You're welcome, lol. Ha ha, so did I. I would get frustrated from trying a box to be perfect or something so I'd just jump around for a while. I even set the player speed to 75% for a while to test the jumping ability of the flag carrier or bomb carrier.
Yeah I know, I was just acting like an idiot. I'm going to try and a get a larger party to play on this sometime soon.
I just had the craziest thing happen to me in a game of Rockets on Solaris. Allow me tell a picture story. The players were myself, Brotha S, and Naith. I saw Brotha S going for the center, so I shot a rocket at him. But he barely deployed the bubble shield in time so he wasn't hurt at all. Meanwhile, Naith shot a rocket at me which missed, but took away my shields. Angry that Brotha S had avoided my rocket, I decided to ignore Naith and focus all of my wrath on my real life brother. So I jumped into his bubble shield. He saw me coming and tried to melee me as I passed into the bubble shield. His melee missed, however, and he hit the inside wall of the bubble shield. Once I was inside, I quickly meleed him as he finished his missed swing. My melee connected, taking away his shields and knocking him out of the bubble shield. At this point, neither one of us had shields. Naith was still trying to reload and thinking about what to do. I jumped from one crate to another in order to pursue him. While I was at the peak of my jump I was outside of the bubble shield, and Brotha S tried to take advantage of that and shot a rocket at me. But when I landed, I was barely inside the bubble shield. The rocket exploded against the exterior wall of the bubble shield. Although I was an inch away, I was inside the shield and was safe. Brotha S, however, was outside and his own rocket blast killed him. Naith decided to throw a grenade. I emerged from the bubble shield as the rocket was still exploding. That's how close the timing was. Here's another shot of me carelessly laughing at my enemy's rocket blast. With my enemy defeated by his own rocket, I casually leave the scene and reload the first shot back into my rocket launcher. That'll teach Brotha S to try to save himself by deploying a bubble shield. Naith watches in amazement, and is heard saying, "you actually survived that?!?"
Very original. How you thought of it I have no idea, but good job! *sigh* Another way too good map made by furious. :squirrel_nono: (Edit) The picture story was a compelling, moving and heart wrenching tale.
I forgot that there was one more thing I wanted to share from that game. Someone shot a rocket at me and caused one of my old dead bodies to fly up in the air. As it dropped toward the ground, I jumped up to shoot. I was completely unaware of its existence, and my rocket hit it and exploded in my face, causing a suicide. So my own dead body killed me. Great.