its getting really boring playing foundry on all the new forged maps its a fun level and they make good maps but i think some should be made on rats nest and standoff now :squirrel_rant:
Idk i see where you are coming from but what it boils down to is that playability prevails over Aesthetics of the environment. True, if somebody could achieve a map using the space and tools on Rat's nest or standoff that is as good as a foundry creation, then by all means i would prefer that. But the tools and environment provided on foundry are unmatched, which is why it makes for prime forge maps.
The problem with the other maps are that they do not have enough objects and everything is very limited. Those maps would have to be made to fit with the geometry of the map already unlike Foudry which you can do anything.
Foundry is just the best tool we have available for maps. But I agree that it is getting old. So I just made a map on Standoff. I don't usually advertise my maps, but if you're looking for something outside of Foundry then look at my Solaris map.
Ahhh! Guilder is advertising??/? You can't do that! Lol... jk. That is a very good map Furious... Ummm... My opinion on this is that all the maps on Foundry is that yes, they get boring, but the maps are amazing. If it was not for Foundry, Forge would suck... Although, I like all the othe Heroic DLC maps, too... anything before that (except Last Resort) stinks...