This section of the forums is only for completed maps. When you are ready, come back and submit your completed map with pictures. EDIT: I linked this to Shadow in skype and I was trying to leave a friendly reminder, but shadow fails and moved it while I entered my post. Happy now Shadow?
This would be better off in the Discussion room as your map really isn't complete. just ask a mod and they'll happily move it for you. <--- ignore that...i take forever to type And as for your problem, I'd go with the "2 room" idea". From your description on your thread, it seems that people will easily be able to get out of the map so for all fairness, it seems better with two rooms. 5/5 for looks btw (from the pics on
SORRY guys / mods I JUST registered in in these forum to post my first map xD ehm jeah^^ next time I know it thanks for looking at my map Just vote in the forum and tell me there or here what you think. I'm looking at both threads
Don't worry about it, plenty or people make simple mistakes their first time here. If you know how to use a image sharing site like photobucket or imageshack then feel free to post those pictures here. From what I saw it looks pretty accurate, I'm american so I can't actually look at the map yet. I can't honestly offer much more in the way of advice. Shock Theta has made a remake on foundry, so maybe if you compare it with your own it will help you improve yours. Here's the link:
All right^^ pressed the "download" button xD jeah I'm adding 2 pics or sth I still want people to get to my thread xDD
I love this map, its one of my top five maps in H2 so you better do it good! I'll dl either way once I get the maps. Judging from the pics I would make the rim level a little higher, to me it looked kinda low like you could nade jump onto it or something which you definetly could not do in H2. you gonna put the ghost in there too?
I think the map looks great so far, but to solve your problem and keep all 4 rooms I suggest you maybe delete the columns in front of the shotgun spawns as I think it will not take away much from the map. Also if in any spots you placed 4 grenades (like Halo 2) you can reduce it to 2 (the maximum you can pick up in Halo 3) to reduce the item count.
I FINALLY FOUND A WAY to get ALL i ever wanted on this asskicking map xDDDD here's a little link: So now it allows me to put everything on the map^^ SO i can build all rooms. all wedges upto the walls and spawn-points and so on MAN that's so damn coolll^^ =) Jeah i have to try this trick first because i still don't understand it like i want to xD but when i know everything about it...i (saidly) have to build up my whole map again i guess because i saved one time i had reched the overall-item-limit... hmm but doesn't matter now i know how to build this map the best and fastest way... POOR you..have to wait another week maybe^^ but next week it's in my sharing, READY to download =)
That was one hell of a map back in Halo 2 (I remember i'd own with dual SMG's) and your remake, looks almost perfect resemblance. so far. I especially like how you remade the middle part, clever forging. I will be happy to see it when it complete.
I totally forgot about the infinite budget glitch, that's great. I'd love it if you could send me a PM on when it's done
Hey, pretty cool, the best Foundation remake i've seen so far. Please, update when you finish the map, I'll download for sure.