I actually like this.. A LOT! It's so simple and just nice to look out, I like simple shots a lot. The way the branches and leaves being just black make them really pop. Good job 4.5/5!
Its nice, simple and peaceful. Kinda like a default wallpaper on your comp. before you change it haha.
Actually i didn't spam. I merely quoted him to express to the OP that i have the same feelings toward the map. Im not tryna be defensive, im jus sayin... Still, the pic shows an artistic flair rarely seen in this forum.
This is kind-of nice. Simple idea making it peaceful. Im not really into that sort of stuff if you know what I mean. But nice job.
Insta5*'s Nature seems to be one of the lost arts of photo-shooting, because it's so simple most people don't pay attention to it. I love the lighting, and also because it's so simple, nobody else would bother taking a picture. Amazing. Nuff said...
yeah, kind of ironic, were looking at a screen shot that makes us feel peacefull. In a game were the point is to kill people. Ah screw it all i got a new wall paper