Hey guyz, these are just some pic i took a couple dayz ago, tell me what u think of them, and wich ones you fav. thnx. . plzz no bad commentz , hope u enjoy, for more pics here is my >FILE SHARE< 1. Cytrec 2. Famine.. 3. Solarized.. By your's Truely. .
i think that the first one is the only really good one, i think they feature too much light. its almost blinding lol. 3/5 on the pics.
I think my eyes melted, the light is blinding. I don't think anyone is going to want to look at the screenshots for more then 5 seconds. The effects are neat, but the lighting is to powerful.
definitely the second one is the best 5/5 the third is bad no offense 2/5 the first obscures his face to much 3/5 still they aren't that bright i don't get blinded i stared for 30 secs just o prove you wrong nightfire
the first and last pic are really cool. the middle one is ok but those two are just sweet. the last one is my favorite. i couldn't see it for a while until i looked really hard.
The first one is great, second one is just too much, and i kinda like and dont like the third one.Favorite of the three would have to be the first one.It is really good.
It is too bright, try taking out some so my eyes don't hurt when looking at them. They look pretty cool though. 2/5