I didn't even think of that, maybe you could put a shield door if front of it with a small gap to help the splash damage from the plasma grenade.
not a bad Idea. I'll probably play around with it for a while to see what will work best if I ever get done with my current projects.
Tell me if you decide to change it, so that I can redownload the map. Also, are any of the other maps your working on puzzle maps?
Depends, do you think I should make it a two person. I have it as 1 now but I can make it 2. Which do you t hink would be more fun.
Well both are fun, but I think a two person one would be awesome, since I usually do the puzzle maps with my friend (even if there one person). I think two person would end up being more fun since you can do it with friends. In the end it is up to you. And as I said in the beginning I like both so which ever you decided I'll probably DL and give it a play through.