I was just wondering, how many people out there actually plan their maps, I know a lot of the pro forgers do, but do you do it on paper, Foundry designer, Sketchup or just in your head. Also when planning do you have any tips on how to do it? like what you should do first? Thanks
I plan out of my maps. I used to just wing it, and I noticed that quality of my maps suffered. I have tried all of the methods above, but I rather to make rough drafts in forge.
I usually go through as 3-step process like this: 1. Think of an idea in my head. This can be a map idea, gametype idea, etc. 2. I write down the "basics" on paper such as what type of structures I want, weapons, gametype settings. etc. 3. After getting all my ideas organized I go into Foundry sketchup and start to design my map. If I'm not building on Foundry I usually go in-game to visualize my map.
Pen and paper for me. I don't feel like I need to use a tool like sketchup most of the time, because while I draw I keep my toolset in mind to avoid designing something that isn't buildable. Sometimes I'll use sketchup if I can't quite get a picture to work on paper and I don't want to have to experiment with shapes and angles while I'm building, or if I need a mental picture of the size of my thing compared to Foundry.
Ill use pen and paper or Sketchup just to write down ideas and see how things would look. But i never stay with what ive made. I free hand it 100%.
i myself have a pile of papers just sitting on my desk of finished and half finished ideas, i just cant find the motivation to go do them. lol
First, I'll sketch out a map design with pen and ink. Preferably, I use line paper, but it doesn't matter too much. I don't go into much detail, just the basic flow of the map. I want to know first how I should structure it. If it's a multi-leveled map, I create more than one drawing of the map, at different floors. Then, I'll start figuring out how I'm going to create it in Forge. That's when I start drawing blocks, to represent double/single boxes. Finally, I go into Forge and align boxes to be accurate.
Usually what I do when I forge is Get a good scene of what I want to forge. Example here is I want this type of game/map feel of Hallways. I'll be sure to make the halls have ceilings. This would be concept mostly, but I usually do one of 2 things. Ither budget out my object in a blank canvas and place objects non interlocked near where I want them. This is most often what i do, because I know space as well cost for my objects. The really trick is do what helps you see your map while you build, but also keeps you focused on what you want to make. IF you have a problem that keep happenings focus on removing that problem with your next map. Spawns and flow of my map use to be a real big issue for me, So after a while I pen an papered after I did a dry canvas(the non interlocked map business I talked about earlier) It was a way to check that there is enough ways to go on your map and not spending forever getting else were. Or you ask how can I make this room have another way into it. I know this is my way of forging but often my friend say I have more objects then them to use when we forge. Reason is people Over interlock. Spend more time on build then on forge is all I'm going to say.
I found that you really have to have a partner to make a map. At least, I do. I'll ask my Forge buddy, "dude, what about this?" and then that'll spark some new ideas and such. Basically, I carefully add onto my original concept.
Considering the fact that I make minigames, most of which focus on only one aspect of gameplay, once I think of an idea for a minigame, I can think of how it would play, what I would need to make, etc. Depending on how complicated it is, I may need to write down my thoughts to keep them in order, and I can start forging it once I relatively know what I'm making. They usually evolve while I'm making them, and sometimes the map must change as the game itself does.
I usually wing it or have a very rough draft in my head, but lately I've been drawing it out. I think that's what I'll do from now on. I like Nemihara's idea. Think of a structure, then think about how you can use forge objects in that structure... thanks
Yes. I plan. I do all of that usually. I use paper to draw out a very sloppy quick sketch then use sketch up to see if I was right by estimating the size then I build on there while using the foundry designer as budget help. Here check this out. I just recently put this out for people like you. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/57962-blazes-guide-whats-hot-whats-not-beta-thread.html
I normally think of an idea in my head. I'll then start drawring and writing stuff on paper. Then to foundry designer to do a quick draft and see if I have enough materials. Ill then sort of do a quick forge and also sketch up at the same time. Then build! I take a long time to think. I think longer than any other part of the design. I still have some maps from a year ago that I've still improved over and over through design but never created it.
I usually start planning out a map on paper. Once I have a solid idea down I create it in Google Sketchup so I know exactly if it will fit in foundry/sandbox and how much items it will take. I'm afraid of just winging it because it would suck to run out of money or items before I finish the map.
I usually get my inspiration on the spur of the moment throughout my daily life, so I'm typically confined to pen and paper even though I usually have my laptop with me. I've found I have no patience for sketchup and foundry designer, don't really know why. But my drawings usually go into detail about what goes where, like when doing a ramp or stairs or something I'll kinda draw lines across it like steps and write up in the direction its going up just to remind me later. Sometimes I even go into detail about how many boxes I'll use or if its a fence wall or fence box. And I try and keep in mind what kind of benefits certain areas may hold...
How do I do my maps... Ah... I usually get a super amazing idea during something in school and start jotting down little sketches. Then, I usually expand these sketches to absolute layout schemes. After I have done that, I usually just think of how I can make my imagined structures possible. Then I head home with my map idea in head. Load up forge and start forging my ideas... All is well.... Until my easily distracted mind creates something totally different than my layout. So in a sense, no. I don't follow my map sketches and ideas. I totally forge on what run throughs my mind at that second. I am too easily distracted to follow a plan.
what I do is: 1: think of a good map / gametype and think of what would happen between the two. 2: I draw the maps barrier ( 's ) on paper so I get a feeling of the maps structure. 3: I draw a rough draft of the map, see how it looks, then add on as neccecary. 4: once finished, I make the rough draft in forge, and once again add everything such as interlocking or objects floating in the air. 5: I insert objects within the map ( such as lights, barriers or rocks ) to add the final touches. 6: I test the map, and if anything is wrong, go back in forge later and fix any slight problems.
I do a rough sort of diagram on paper of all the major geometry and power weapons/vehicles. Then I wing it for smaller details and weapons and spawns and lesser geometry (signs, dumpsters etc.)
2 WORDS (and then some so as not to spam): GRAPH PAPER I always wait at least a day or 2 to let it sit in my head. I also always also write in erasable pen to neaten my sketches. I edit my drawing for a week before putting in basic color to signify certain things, (up ramps, grav lifts, fence walls etc.) then I upload it to FH. I take advice and revise my draft once or twice before beginning the forgeing process. then I upload the rough map to forge discussion, revise, playtest, Rince & repeat multiple times until coming out with the finished product.