Foundry Camelot

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by makisupa007, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Download Camelot



    1. Slayer
    2. One Flag
    3. One Bomb
    4. KOTH
    5. Oddball
    6. VIP
    7. Territories

    1. 8 BR's
    3. 2 SMG's
    4. 1 Sniper Rifle
    5. 1 Beam Rifle
    5. 1 Energy Sword
    6. 1 Shot Gun
    7. 1 Needler

    1. 1 Power Drain
    2. 2 Fire Grenades
    3. 2 Plasma Grenades
    4. 1 Bubble Shield
    6. 1 Grav Lift

    1 Mongoose
    1 Ghost

    Side A - Attackers Base - Extended Platform with two cover points - BR and Brute Shot spawns

    Side A Castle Entrance - Dual SMG Spawn - Propane Cannon Charged

    Midfield - Center Castle Entrance

    Side B Attackers - View of midfield cover

    Side B Attackers - Offensive Sniper Perch - Sniper Spawn

    Side A Castle Entrance - Triple Level Defensive BR Tower

    Side A Castle Interior - Propane Cannon Detonator

    Interior Castle Center - BR/Fire Grenade spawn

    Side B Castle Interior - Beam Rifle Spawn Back Wall Center

    Front Castle Exterior - BR & Sniper Defensive Positions

    Side A Castle Exterior - Vulnerable Castle Guard

    Side A Castle Interior - Propane Cannon Detonation

    Side B Castle Exterior - Propane Cannon Launch

    Castle Center - High Ground Perch

    Side B Attackers - Offensive Sniping

    Castle Center - Castle Breach

    Side A Attackers - Ghost Jack

    Side B Castle Interior - BR Windows Main Floor

    Please enjoy Camelot. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

    Download Camelot
    #1 makisupa007, Mar 2, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2009
  2. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I don't know how long it's been since I've seen a working "storm the castle" map. It looks amazing. I love the layout, even though it is somewhat standard for the type of map. The back, oh who I am I kidding, and the front of the castle look very good. You have solid interlocking and merging as far as I can tell. I like the propane cannon idea, although I would like to know the respawn rate of them. It looks like you have pretty good weapons choice. Is the sword in the stone? lol. The map looks really fun for one sided gametypes. Can I have a recommended number of players? You have my download good sir. I Love It. Keep Forging.
  3. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    I must say this is a most excellent looking map! and i can see you have alot of experience in nice looking maps! Very Nice dude!

    Looks: 5/5
  4. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i remember seeing this map and playing around on it but i wish i was there when u were testing it is very nice to look at so u can pown all the newbs staring the whole time at the amazing map u made very nice 5/5
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    I've DL it and i have to say its really nice ^^
    great job man!

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    I saw the asthetics and i instantly knew it was u!!
    Wow yet again innovation in terms of merging and making it look pretty, great job!
    Can the fusion coils be shot from the front if they can make sure theres a resonable respawn so it doesnt get frustraighting.
  7. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    wow, when i first saw the title picture, i was just like... wow.

    the map looks very aesthetically pleasing, and the interlocking is great. i just have to say that besides the huge castle, the map looks empty. i would improve on the emptiness of the map in a v2.
  8. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Camelot is recommended for 6 to 12 players. One sided gametypes are great on this map. Territories is my favorite, but one bomb and one flag can be pretty hectic too.

    The fusion coils can be fired from the front with a well placed BR our Sniper shot. The respawn time on the detonator and propane tanks are both 10 seconds. The cannon recharges quickly so if you are going to make a run for the left side entrance you'd better time it right.

    The middle of the map was left empty on purpose to improve the gameplay. There is plenty of cover in the back two sections and obviously the base is well protected. The map needed this small open void to act as a "No man's land". If their was any more cover in the middle it would be easy to just stroll right into the castle. The idea is that it should be hard to make it in.
  9. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
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    great interlocking! It is very rare to see a balenced castle map with any asthetic touches at all on the attacker's side. Way to break the boundries! 5/5 I also like the room with the window panels in it.
  10. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Great map, was going to test it out, but I got the times mixed up. 5/5, nice interlocking and great towers. The fusion coils that launch the propane tanks or whatever are cool too.
  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Thanks. It did spend a lot of time making sure both the castle and the attackers bases were nice to look at. I did want to make sure that this map was extremely balanced though. On most of my earlier maps I focused a little to much on aesthetics and not enough time on flow and balance.

    The window panel room is one of three similar BR defensive positions. The other two are directly above the window room. Here's the other two:
  12. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Ha ha. Looks hectic. Hmm, from the looks of it you seem to have focused more on the inner 'castle' part overall. Still, it does look nice and fun to play on. I'm downloading now. Will return with my experience :surprise:.
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    4. 1 Sniper Rifle
    5. 1 Beam Rifle
    5. 1 Energy Sword
    6. 1 Shot Gun

    Me no likey your weapon selection. Take out 1 sniper and take out either the sword or the shotgun. And if you choose shotgun, replace it with the Mauler.

    I have come to a conclusion that your maps always have this Ancient Architectural cities theme yet still futuristic. I like it. The game play does not seem to be exciting but I'm sure the eye-candy rocks. LOL.

    Nice job. Hope you keep improving.
  14. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    The way it works right now is that the defensive position has a sniper and the offensive position has a sniper. It's the same with the sword and shotgun. Each team has a close range power weapon as well. It feels pretty balanced the way it's set up. If I eliminated one of the snipers which team should have the one remaining?
    #14 makisupa007, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  15. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Maki I somehow wound up in a test for this map a few days ago, a koth game, I believe. I want to take this opportunity to tell you, (since I haven't said it before, to my discredit) that I love your aesthetic style. I've looked at all of your maps and you do very good work imho. I'm not much for competative playing, and style goes a long way in my book. Keep it up, man.

    As for the gameplay, I had fun.
  16. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    ^Thanks Predicide. I focus heavily on aesthetics when building all of my maps. I would call my style Aesthetic Competitive. With my last couple of maps I have really tried to spend just as much time considering gameplay and flow as I have in the past on eye candy, though.
  17. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    I'm a big fan of Aesthetics. Too many maps that get posted here have that boring generic look to it. It's quite rare that someone produces something that plays well (and from the pics I'm assuming it does, but I'm going to download for further inquiry) and also provides some eye-candy to look at. Very original, excellent job.
  18. hells angels187

    hells angels187 Ancient
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  19. deathgod172

    deathgod172 Ancient
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    seems like a decent map i will download then give you my input on it.
  20. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    WOW this map loos absolutely fantastic. i am amazed with this map. i love everything you have done my favourite is the tower in the middle with the clockish this in the center. the interlocking is superb and simpley beautifull. it looks fantasticly well constructed and it is asthetically AWESOME! congrats on this totally wicked amazing kick ass map. i am downloading it right now!!!

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