OK made a new sig in GIMP Tell me what you think and if anyone knows anything about GIMP or GFX give me some pointers and CnC. V2: Enjoy, MNM1245
First I would say to reposition the focal, it's too far to the right. Then color it and change the lighting to match the backgrounds lighting. Tone down the c4d a little to match the feel of the sig, and maybe reposition it a little to flow more. Move the c4d layer to the front, and put it on dodge. Maybe add another of maybe a grayscale or something. The blur the background. Use colorify to color stuff, that's what I do. Lockdownn would be THE person to get gimp help on, though.
Ooh much better, I like it now. Now just smudge the bottom edges of the odst and color it alittle more to match the rest of the tag.
The render isn't very clean, and the effects are very week. Also, the render and the BG have nothing in common, including color. Add some for effects, clean up the render, don't blur the background so much, and mess around with the colors. The best way to mess around with colors is gradient maps. Duplicate the sig. Then, Select 2 colors [fg, bg] then go to Colors>Map>Gradient Map, then set that layer to screen, then mess with the opacity. That will help the colors blend. Make sure you have one light color, and one dark color.