I was looking somewhere and found a fact which sparked this Idea: the default part of sandbox's ceiling is 19 boxes high. I was thinking then, what if I put teleporters at the bottom that went to the top? I was thinking about it more and thought to have 2 floating bases (like the ones on boarding action) and teles going to a small arena in the skybox. then I would float weapon holders with all the weapons in the air to make for some very fun, casual gameplay. Does anyone have any Ideas? Questions? Comments?
good idea, although I was thinking more along the lines of a giant funnel made of bridges. It would allow for more openness and would allow firefights from base to base to air. It would also allow a way of getting to other bases from the sky. I might make a tunnel at the end, however.
Wow, hobo you actually quoted that post from Spartan. XD But yeah, it could have just been a coincidence. You know, the whole "great minds think alike" sort of thing. XP
OOO Better idea Paratroopers. Spawn in air and maybe give them some propulsion with a mancannon or grav lift out of a plane. Drop on ground where some weps are and blow up the jap encampment. 000
Lol, this is Halo not Call of Duty. I completely imagine the World at War campaign when I read your post. XD
I tried doing something similar on Avalanche, By far the hardest part was getting people to land in the teleporters. I eventually just went with building a vertical channel, which the players could not leave Second hardest part was the lag. Having all the teles spawned so I could create the continuous falling created ridiculous lag, resulting in people lagging and falling through the teleporter to the ground just below.