I look at all the featured maps and almost all of them looked like a computer program was used. I was not sure at first but after seeing the fence box on framework perfectly forged into the back hallway I knew for sure that was the case. What do you think of this? like, do you think this is like cheating or do you think its perfectly fine? for thoese who use the forging programs can you give me a link to the program download because I am that person that likes to learn about stuff ( thats why i spend alot of time in the debate forums)
wtf r u talking about dude, they dont use computer programming, lol. If you dont believe me download them and there the same as the pictures, there's not any type of programming envoled lol this has to be the most stupid thread ever
I am sorry, but this is hilarious. There is no such thing as Forge Programs. There is only mods. No feature maps use mods. Some maps have been denied feature because of the use of mods.
ive actually asked a guy whose map was featured (i belive it was pennyless) he said he used a program.
It's called being a badassed forger. Seriously dude? "This map r too gud. HACKS!" It kind of compliments FH but no. No dude. Read forging 101 to figure out how to do those kinds of things. EDIT: Oh my god. If ANYTHING, he used a program to draw out the map that he was going to make. Google sketchup or foundry designer (in the top bar of the site).
Actually, you could technically mod a Forge Variant while staying in normal Forge limits, and you really wouldn't be able to tell if it were modded or not.
Stop prodding him. Next he's going to post "I KNEW IT!". The chances of someone actually doing that are like 00000000.1/10000000 because people know each other here and watch the maps as they are made, and modders suck at forging.
Certain things, like the back alleyway merge do not require anything other than time and patients. Even if the merge is slightly off, it is very difficult to tell based on where it's merged. Many of the featured maps have hundreds of hours into them, and ever section of the map is reforged multiple times to achieve perfection. There are no forge programs, only mods and mods are not legal. There will be no one here stupid enough to link to any sort of modding discussion I hope, and we do not promote modding discussions here at forgehub.
This is actually really funny. But, I mean come on. If there were programs to forge that would make everyone's lives easier. I wish there was programs but we all no that's not going to happen. Nice conspiracy though. I just hoped it was be true.
I talk to deathtoll on a regular basis. I have seen him go as far a creating rough drafts in forge. /thread
Whoops, Deathtoll and I were joking when we said that. Sorry for the confusion, we didn't really use any programs. None of the featured maps use any programs. Again sorry... and lol.
Spoiler. :/ But really, you could. As long as you stay in the normal limits, you can arrange objects on your computer, then upload it. Stupidly hard to do, but sure, if you can do so.
Actually its stupidly easy, how do you think me and the guys form Halomods did halo 2 map mods using programs that are essentially forge just on a computer lol. But no, no one uses programs on here, it can be done quit easily if someone who knows how to code makes a program but it is a pain to put maps to and fro on your xbox.
Hahahaha. Your prety funny. "Computer programs." lol. We just take our time and o it right. Look at advanced forging 101 and practice.
Point proven. Imma get locks 4 this nao. :lock: The computer program thing was very funny though. It is typically pretty easy to tell what is modded. They use parts of the map instead of the forge objects.