MEH LVL Created by Jpanda101 Supported Gametypes: Multi Flag CTF and Team Slayer Map Description Just a normal map i guess, power up in the middle, snipers for both teams, a hallway and 2 bases the hallway bump the middle view one action shot. Well, hope you like it, any constructive critisism for my first map would be great. Thanks, gnarkill302006,The Kelbinator, and BlackShuriken21 for helping me test. Download MEH LVL Download M3H LEVEL
ummm this rly looks good for ur first map... some things look pointless such as the fence wall covering that box in pic 3 but im assuming its for aesthetics... o and put the name of ur posts as the name of ur map
Hey man, great first map, to make more people DL give them more pics and get a story or something behind it, plus you might wanna make the name of the map as the post. A description of weapons and a pic of an overview wouldnt go amiss either ... KEEP FORGING DUDE!
the map looks very nice. i like how its open but not to open. i think i would sick with forging because your good at it. let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything.
this is pretty good for a first map but could still use alot of work in terms of the layout and gameplay overall nice job 3.5/5
This looks really good for your first map. But there is still alot more you could do to it to make it better. There are alot of really great aesthentics on this map by the way. And change the name of your thread to MEH LEVEL or whatever you want to call it. But otherwise good job!!!